"Please don't ever blame yourself for what happened baby it's not your fault ." I whisper holding his face in my hands , I could see the sadness in his eyes and it was heartbreaking.

Enzo blames himself .

"I should've protected you and I didn't , that makes me more of a coward." He mutters , I frown my heart felt for him "please stop, you did everything you could-"

"It wasn't your fault." I try to reason with him

"Every time , I feel your stomach it's like something's missing and that hurts , I couldn't protect my wife."

"but I'm here I'm still here and I'm okay our baby is okay please don't put yourself down ever . Lorenzo you did everything you could and that's all that matters." I wrap my arms around him and didn't even realize I was crying until I felt the tears rolling down my cheek .

"I love you baby."

"I love you please don't cry my love ."

I lift my head up from his shoulder looking down at him "could you come with me instead?" I ask , Enzo softly nods his head and I smile kissing his lips .

"I just like knowing your safe mi amore that's all." His hands rest on my thigh and I bite my bottom lip , I wasn't wearing anything beneath my robe because I had gotten out of bed earlier. I think Enzo knew this

His fingers are now i between my thighs and I whine . A smirk displays on his face as I roll my eyes . "What is it you want ?" He asks


After Enzo's and I'd mini session it had taken me an hour or so to go see my mother because there were a few distractions . One of hem being Enzo . As a matter of fact he was the distraction . I managed to ignore him and finally get myself ready .

Lorenzo said he'd drop me there but he didn't want to go inside with me because he figured I had to do it on my own . I hadn't been at this house since Enzo and I were last here which was five months ago. Time flies by . So much memories were mad3 here and none of them were good .

We were parked outside and yes I was having second thoughts , I guess I never knew I'd be this nervous . Enzo places his hand on my thigh and gives me a reassuring look reminding me that everything would be okay. He kisses me softly and I smile at him the moment he pulls away.

"Message me so I know your okay." He says , I nod my head and he tells me he loves me and that he'll wait outside until I'm done . "I love you to ." I unbuckle my seatbelt opening the car door with my other hand allowing me to step outside. The cold breeze instantly hit me so I wrapped my cardigan tightly around my body. Walking up the driveway I exhale . I'm meeting my mom for the first time .

I don't bother knocking the door since it was already open , nothing had really changed much in the house except the fresh coat of paint on the walls . Bryan comes into view "your here-"

"Where's my mother?"

"Follow me."

He led me into the main room where I see a middle aged blonde woman seated on the couch . I thought she was brunette? Her eyes meet mine and I smile as begins to approach me. "Oh my sweet child." She engulfs me in a hug which I gladly accept feeling tears form in my eyes . "you've grown so much Anya." We both pull away giving me time to inspect her features , from her almond shaped eyes to her button nose . She was fairly small , I'd say my height but a few inches taller. "I cant believe it's really you." I whisper

"You've always been in my thoughts Anya from the day I birthed you , your father that evil man ripped you away from me for so many years." My eyes look around the room and I notice Bryan wasn't there anymore . Somethings going on .

"How are you here?"

"I-I escaped your father had me imprisoned in a cabin-"

Bryan told me she was found in cells

"Cabin ? For all those years you couldn't escape?"

"Let's not talk about me , how have you been -":

"Your not my mom are you?" I ask slowly taking a step back , the lady's eye twitches as she hesitates to answer . She places her hand on my wrist tightly gripping it . I then notice a syringe which she then tries stabbing me with , I pull away from her snatching the syringe from her and pushing it inside her neck .

I begin to panic so I reach for my phone making my way towards the door only for it to be locked. "You okay?" Enzos voice fills my ears , and I begin to cry into the phone "E-Enzo she's not my mom , she tried to stab-" I feel my phone being taken from my hand and thrown onto the floor , I turn around to see Cameron standing in front of with a very much evil smirk on his face .

I take a few steps back as he begins to approach me only to feel my back hit a wall . Fuck . Cameron then corners me "God I've missed you." He whispers I stare at him in disgust as I feel himself press against me , I felt sick to my stomach. He grabs a handful of my hair causing me to wince and from the corner of my eye I see him bringing it up to his nose.

"It's time you come back home Anya , I know you don't want to be with him."

"I do and I'm staying with him." I respond , his finger caresses my cheek and I had the sudden urge to shoot him . Lorenzos taken a massive effect on me. "Get your filthy hands off me ."

"Or what?" I feel nausea creeping up my throat when something pokes my thigh , I instantly look away and shut my eyes, trying my best to suppress this feeling. "I know you've missed me-"

"Get your hands off my wife!" Hearing enzos voice made me sigh in relief , I was so glad he was here . Cameron turns around facing Enzo who's pointing a gun at him "or what ? Because I know you won't shoot me-" before Cameron could even finish his sentence the gun fired and his body dropped to the floor . "you underestimated me bastard ."

His eyes meet mine and he tucks his gun into his waistband coming into my direction . "Hey it's okay, I'm here."
End of chapter

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