Chapter 27

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"Personally I think starting off with simple defense techniques would be easier for you dont you think?" Marcos says as I look around the room , I didn't know do much females took training in the mafia this serious.

"Yeah sure."

Macros gives me an example of if someone tried to attack me what is it I'd do . I explain to him how I'd kick them in their genital area .

"That's a very common thing to do , your main priority is to knock the person out. Aim for the throat or rib , parts that could really injure a person."


He attempts to choke me from behind so I raise my elbow pushing it back into his rib causing him to stumble backwards. "Fuck." I hear him mutter "good."

I smile pushing back the mini hairs I could feel on my face . We practice this for a few minutes before I finally get a hang of it and he decides to give me a break.

I don't think he knew I was pregnant

"Hey your Mr Morettis wife right ?"

I turn around to see two teenage girls , we'll they looked kinda young so I'm guessing they were . "Yes why?"

"We kinda hoped you'd talk to him for us , he's kinda scary ."

I try my hardest not to smile so I agree "what is it you want me to say ?"

"If he could allow us to work in the warehouse, my sisters really good with tech and as I'm I ."

"Erm okay sure."

"Thank you so much ."


Lorenzo was on the phone when I walked into his office and he was talking in Italian so I knew it was important .

So out of boredom I sat on his lap waiting for him to finish on the phone , his arm goes around my waist securely so I don't end up falling .

My training session with Marcos was fine , he's very talkative and actually knows what he's doing. I like him

"Si ciao." Enzo says putting the phone down, he sighs , my forehead rests against his and I ask if he's okay.

"Yes are you? How was training."

"It was great , I did learn something new ."


Pressing my lips against his arms went around his neck . His lips were warm and soft they parted slightly allowing my tongue to slip inside . Our tongues tangled and went to war in our locked mouths badly fighting for dominance . A groan emerged from his throat as he tightly gripped on my thighs moving me more closer . I could taste our shared breath , feel the thud of our heartbeats starting to quicken .

I just wanted him to rip my clothes off .

The smell off his cologne and his conditioner was dizzying , butterflies were dancing in my stomach . I grew tired and our tongues which were locked together separated allowing me to pull away .

"What was that for ?" He chimed

"can I not kiss my husband ?" A smile creeps on his face , i lift up my thumb and wipe my gloss which was smeared on the corner of his lips .

"Anytime you want but kissing me like that Tesoro , your asking for something ."

"Maybe i am."

God these babies were making me extra hormonal .

"I hate to say this but your gonna have to wait."

"It's okay I know it's worth it ."


"Enzo you wanna put me down now ?" I say as he had me thrown over his shoulder carrying us into our room .

Leona had saw us and ran away because she didn't wanna interrupt whatever it was we were doing . We wasn't doing anything


"Please ? do you want me to beg?"

"No Tesoro ."

"Lorenzo!" I yell complaint as we finally reach our bedroom , he carries me inside closing the door beside him ."can you put me down , please I think I'm gonna be sick ." I say changing the tone of my voice so it seemed I was telling the truth .

Carefully he puts me down and I smile when I see the look of concern on his face . "Are you okay-"

"Kidding ." I giggle , his eyes go dark and he pushes me so I fall onto the bed , I yelp attempting to push myself back up but it felt as if I was being weighed down .

These babies

"Find that funny huh ?"

Nodding my head I smile beneath him and he begins tickling me . I attempt to keep in my laughter but I couldn't . He knew exactly how to make me smile . 

"Enzo ." I say breathlessly, finally he stops climbing off me , "don't do that shit on me again."

"It was just a joke babe." 

He glares at me flaring his nostrils , I place my arm on his shoulder "I'm sorry , I know you care about your babies. What gender do you want them to be ? I want two girls ."

"No Tesoro , no girls , two girls mean two periods , two heartbreaks , two boyfriends and I don't have time to be killing people's sons ."
I guess that was a way of him protecting his kids .

"You don't want a mini me? Times two."

"I don't want a mini you I want you all to myself , two boys is what I want ."

"I wouldn't mind boys baby."

"I know I put boys inside you ." Lorenzo claims with a grin plastered on his face , I felt him poke my stomach as he named them baby A and B .

I smile at Enzo staring at him "I love you so much."

"I love you Tesoro.

"Can you stop making fun of our babies now."

"I'm not making fun of them I'm predicting their future."

"Well don't do that , it's up to them ."

"Okay mom." Playfully I slap his arm glaring at him , I already had so much love for my babies and I think so did Enzo . Maybe it was hearing their tiny heartbeats or seeing them at the ultrasound which made me realize how much I cared .

End of chapter

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