Start from the beginning

Slowly Bella sat up, then rose to her feet, swaying slightly from several hours being so still, then she ran at the mountain ash infused hard plastic wall and with every ounce of will she'd been building, cracked her forehead against it.

For a moment she made contact before bouncing back and collapsing on the floor. Pain exploded in her head, blood blinded her, and she scrambled to her feet to try again, but strong arms grabbed her from behind, wrestling her weakened body away from the wall.

"That's enough!" a man yelled, then, when she pulled away and ran for the wall a second time.

The guards were there, dragging Bella back to the bed and the chains that bound her arms over her head to a ring in the padded wall. As the pain in her head grew, she tuned out the arguments between the man and the guards, but slowly she came back to herself.

And felt a cloth gently wiping the blood from her face. When she could see, she blinked up into the man's worried eyes.

"Just let me die," she choked out, spitting blood from her split cheek. Bella was a bit surprised when he didn't jerk back, just wiped that up as well, then turned slightly to rinse the cloth in the water bowl.

"Do you know who I am, Ms. Hale?" The man asked

Bella stayed silent, sending a deadly glare at the older man

"My name is Dr. Fenris. I am the Chief Medical Officer here at Eichen House."

"Why should I care?" Bella snarled at the man as she struggled in the restraints

"Because I want you to be free of this place, but only if you behave." Dr Fenris said

"HA! That's funny coming from you, doc."

"Your time here was supposed to be temporary. We typically don't allow young patients like yourself here. But as a favor to a friend, I allowed it. But you are making it very hard for me to release you. You'd be a danger to yourself and others"

"Oh joy." Bella said sarcastically "Did you make the same deal to my father?"

"Peter Hale isn't leaving here anytime soon."

"Then I guess I won't either."

Dr. Fenris could tell that Bella was going to be a tough nut to crack.

Several weeks passed as Dr. Fenris kept a closer eye on the younger Hale. There was something about her that he couldn't figure out. Was she starving for attention? Why would the young child even attempt to harm herself? Why was she so determined to want to see her father?

Bella had started to take her very own claws and dug deep into her fingertips but while she bled. She took her own blood and doodled against the wall. Drawing symbols. But one thing that stood out was the sentence written in blood: PETER HALE

Obviously the girl wanted contact with her father, but Fenris didn't want to allow it. Fenris was fascinated with the young Hale's connection to her father but didn't know what to make of it. He'd contacted his friend Deaton for a meeting to try and get some answers. Deaton was shocked to find out that Bella was harming herself.

Deaton gave a detailed history regarding Bella and her closeness to Peter. Deaton explained the father daughter relationship, starting with the fire and leading up to Peter being comatose, his return after six years and his short death and resurrection.

"Bella was always a fragile child." Deaton said "She doesn't trust easily. When Peter was around, the two of them were so close. According to Derek Hale, Peter happened to be a great father to the girl. He never did her wrong, despite his own choices. Based on my own observations; Bella isn't anything like Peter. For six years she was anxious and depressed. Now that Peter is back in the picture, she doesn't want to lose him again. I'm almost certain that she has separation anxiety."

"Separation anxiety?" Dr. Fenris questioned

"Ever since she was small, after the fire, she would have outbursts." Deaton explained "She would get angry and anxious. Scared even. But if I know anything, Peter would never lay a hand on the child. He may not care much about anything but he cares too much for that girl. He'd die for her."

"I'm willing to bet that he would kill just to protect his daughter." Fenris stated

"Maybe so. If there's any chance of getting Bella out of here, there's only one person that can help with that. The only person she would listen to."

Fenris groaned "Don't tell me..."

"We need to let her have contact with Peter. He's the only one that can help her. I know Peter well enough that he would never let Bella stay here. He'd want her to be free."

"It's out of the question! Who knows what will happen when you put the two of them in the same cell!"

"A father who would do anything to help his daughter." Deaton said "Allow Peter the opportunity to be in the same cell with Bella. Give it a few days or weeks to try and convince the girl to leave Eichen and live a full life."

"Why weeks?" Fenris asked

"She's stubborn, just like Peter."

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now