CHAPTER 53: Clairvoyance

Start from the beginning

Bella couldn't look at him. She just continued to stare at the town below. Peter pulled off the light jacket he was wearing and tore it into strips of material. He reached over and tried to take Bella's hand but Bella pulled her hand back as a tear began to fall down her face.

"Bells, please." Peter spoke softly. Bella let him take her hand and bandage it in the material "The other one?" he asked in the same tone.

Bella turned to face him as she gave Peter her other hand.

"What's the point of this? It'll heal." Bella asked

"True but your hands are still covered in blood." Peter stated as he began to bandage her other hand. "I'm sorry that I let revenge control my actions again." Peter said as he finished

"You think that's what I'm angry about?" Bella looked up at Peter "Not even in the slightest." Belle told him but Peter could hear her heartbeat

"I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but you are lying." Peter tells her

"Ok, fine." Bella said "Yes, I am angry. Am I upset that you went to kill the Mute? Sure. But I am more upset at the fact that someone tried to kill us both. For what reason?

Bella stood up and stared back at the town

"I have never felt anger like this in so long." Bella told Peter "I mean, even before I found out what you did, I was angry. Then after I did find out, it was like my blood was boiling. Like it was the only thing I could feel...It scared me. I wanted to hurt someone, anyone. Hence why I came up here to beat up a tree and it won." Bella chuckled lightly

"What started it? The anger?" Peter asked as he placed his hand over hers and began to take the pain away. Bella didn't fight him, everything was starting to hurt.

"Can't you guess? Being stabbed in the back and almost dying is at the top of that list of things that makes me angry. I guess that started it. Then you go off to kill the bastard. That pissed me off quite a bit"

Peter began to softly laugh

"Really...? That's funny to you?" Bella asked with a smirk

"A little, yeah." Peter said with a smile

"And why is that?" Bella asked as she rolled her eyes

"Because you let your temper get the best of you. Just like me." Peter laughed

"Oh, that's reassuring." Bella said sarcastically, causing Peter to laugh harder.

Bella eventually started to laugh with him. Peter put his arm around Bella and she moved over to his embrace. The laughter eventually died down.

"You know that you are a dangerous creature when you become angry." Peter said

"Like the Hulk?" Bella said sarcastically

"You're just full of jokes today, aren't you?" Peter asked with a smile

"I'm full of jokes everyday."

Peter held back his laugh as he continued "It takes a lot to get you enraged. And what I did, on top of everything else you had been through, was enough to send anyone over the edge. But you handled it better than I could have ever imagined. You didn't hurt anyone, hell you didn't even come to me, the object of your anger to take it out on me. I'm incredibly proud of you, kiddo. I know that the feeling inside you had you scared but you handled it perfectly.

Bella nods, understanding what he meant. Bella began to shiver

"Come on, it's too cold out here and you're not properly dressed for it."

Peter began to stand, "Are we okay?"

"Yeah, we're okay dad." Bella nods "Just don't pull anything like that again. Not without me at least."

"What do you mean 'without' you?" Peter asked

"What?" Bella shrugged "I wanted to put my hands on the bastard too. You just beat me to it."

Peter scoffed as he wrapped his arm around his daughter and kissed the top of her forehead and the two of them headed back to the loft, where they are met by Derek

"I have something for you." Derek said. Peter raised an eyebrow at him as he walked over to the table. Derek came back with a couple pieces of paper and began going over them. Derek shifts his attention to Bella

"Do you know what Clairvoyance is?" Derek asked Bella

Bella shook her head

"Clairvoyance is the ability to see or experience future events before they have yet to pass. A second sight" Derek explained

"What, like precognition?"


"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Peter said, eyes widened

Bella turned back to Peter and back at Derek

"Where are you going with this?" Bella asked in confusion

Derek stood straight "You know how you mentioned that you dreamt of things and then they come true?"

"What, are you saying that I can see the future in my dreams?"

"Sweetheart," Peter said coming up behind her "That is exactly what Derek is saying"

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now