CHAPTER 48: Let's Get Angry!

Start from the beginning

"Right now?" Bella asked

"Yes. Now." Peter stated

Bella shrugged and followed Peter to the car. They drove out to the woods until the road stopped, then walked another few miles deeper into the woods.

"You weren't kidding." Bella said, looking around. "Why here?"

"Sorry to make you walk so far. But I had to make sure we were out of hearing range." Peter answered

Bella cocked her eyebrow at him

"I want you to scream"

"What?" Bella said immediately

"Scream." Peter said simply

"I'm not a banshee, dad...?" Bella told him with a bit of an attitude in her voice.

Peter stared at her with a smirk, waiting

"Ahhh." Bella let out a half-assed yell

"No, come on Bells. Scream at the top of your lungs."

Bella took a breath and then screamed at the top of her lungs until she couldn't anymore.

"Okay, that was loud and as powerful as you could, right?" Peter asked

Bella shrugged, "I guess." Bella replied, exhaling the large breath she had to take after screaming. Bella didn't  understand what Peter was asking her to do.

"Alright. Fight me." Peter said and once again, Bella was confused. "I'm going to pin you down every chance you get and I want you to fight me, just as you would if you were fighting for your life." Peter explained

"Dad, I don..." Bella started but Peter ran at her, placing his hands around her back and sweeping her feet from underneath her, taking her to the ground.

"Ah!" Bella groaned "What the hell was that?"

"Come on, kiddo. Fight me." Peter protested with a smile "You wanted this, remember?"

"Dad" Bella tried once again. But Peter quickly moved around her, placing her in a choke hold. Bella just stood there, not reacting.

"That's two." Peter said.

Bella gave up trying to reason and elbowed him in the gut. Peter took a few steps back and Bella ran at him, letting her claws extend. Bella went to swipe at his chest but he caught her wrist and spun her around, pinning her against his chest. He let go and Bella started to walk away from him.

She took two steps back, then spun around, kicking at his chest. He caught her leg and pulled, sending her in the air. Peter caught her before she hit the ground. He set her down and pinned her again.

"Are you getting angry?" Peter said as he held her against the ground

"Yes!" Bella barked, using whatever strength she had to flip them over and pushing herself off.

"Good. Then let's get angry!" yelled Peter, "Now when you are sick of me pinning you, and you are as angry as you think you could possibly be, then...I want you to scream."

As soon as Peter finished that sentence, Bella didn't hesitate to slash at his chest, ripping his shirt open. She went to throw a punch, but Peter easily stepped to the side and avoided the contact, then grabbed Bella's wrist and swept her feet out from under her, again.

Bella let herself fully shift into the wolf within her. She pushed Peter off, sending him a few feet away. Bella ran at him and swung low for the knees. Peter saw her move coming and knelt down, wrapping his arm around her and nearly threw Bella into the ground but stopped just inches from letting her meet with the solid dirt ground below her.

Peter set her down gently and let her up. Bella immediately threw a punch at his face, which he caught, spinning her around and pinning her against his chest.

Bella lets out a scream, louder than any noise she had heard before. It sounded the same as when she growled, except louder and at a different pitch.

"I can feel your anger all the time." Peter tells her "I completely understand. I really do."

"What do you want me to even say?" Bella said out of breath "That I am damaged? That I am broken?"

"Yes." Peter stated "It's why I wanted you to get angry in the first place. I wanted you to unleash your anger. Right here, right now."

"You want me to be angry? I'll get angry. I never asked for such a hellish life and it's the only one I am stuck with and I hate it!"

"That's right. Keep going. Keep lashing out." Peter informed her "Let it out!"

"I hate that I can't protect myself or do anything to help. I hate the secrets Talia kept. I hate that you have another kid and it's Malia!"

Peter nodded in understanding "Keep going!"

"I hate that our family was destroyed and it screwed everything up! I hate that I never got to grow up having you as my dad! I never got to know what it was like to really have a family. It was all Kate's fault!"

Sadness began to brew in Peter's eyes

"I can't sleep and when I do, I have nightmares!" Bella cried "I relive the fire. I relive your death. I had nightmares of a werecoyote attacking me, which may have been Malia. I dreamt of Gerard and Barrow successfully ending my life. I somehow dreamt of your resurrection. Every single night, I am afraid to go to sleep! And I am so tired and angry all the time. I just want it all to stop! I want to be free of this pain!"

Bella eventually broke down in tears and she knelt down on the ground, clutching herself as she rocked back and forth. She choked back every sob as she attempted to catch her breath. She began to hyperventilate.

Peter knelt down in front of her, wrapping his daughter into his arms. "That is exactly what I needed to hear. I'm so proud of you."

"You are an ass." Bella groaned "You could have warned me."

"Then would you have done it?" He asked

"No....."Bella said truthfully

"Exactly." Peter's tone became a little more serious  "While I did not want to play tough dad on you, you gave me no choice. I had to force you to let your anger out.I needed you to prepare for the element of surprise"

"Well, it worked." Bella said exhaustively as every muscle in her body was sore.

"Come on. I'll carry you back to the car." Peter said as he stood, pulling Bella to her feet alongside him

"I can walk." Bella said as she took a step but Peter could see the pain in her eyes. Peter scooped her up and spun Bella around his back and began the hike back to the truck.

After a few miles, they made it back to the truck. Peter sat Bella down and opened the passenger door for her and climbed in

"Back home?" Bella asked

"Actually, no. The loft." Peter answered.


"I need to talk to Derek."

When they arrived at the loft, neither Bella nor Peter were prepared for what they would find at the loft.

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now