CHAPTER 37: Derek Makes a Choice

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"If you're trying to tell ne I can save her, just tell me" Derek tells Peter

"I'm telling you I've heard it's possible."

"But it's not impossible?" Bella asked

"Not impossible." said Peter

"How?" Derek asked

"It's that spark of power that makes you an alpha. When you take her pain, she draws on the power that provides you with those special gifts. The power that heightens your senses, your strength. The power that transforms your body. As an alpha, you have that bit of extra, that spark intensifies the color of your eyes from a bright yellow to a searing red."

'If I can save her..."

"If." says Peter "If. I didn't say it works every time. It could just as easily kill you."

Derek looks over to Cora "How do I do it? By taking her pain?"

"And then some. Because there's a cost."

Derek wanted to go ahead, no matter the cost.

"I can understand not seeing a downside to this, as you haven't exactly been alpha of the year." said Peter

"You've got that right." Bella says

Peter glares at her as he continues "But think about what else you'd be losing."

"I don't care about power." Derek says "Not anymore."

Bella rolled her eyes

"What about the power to fight back?" Peter said "Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kali's ultimatum still stands. The full moon is tomorrow night. And If you couldn't beat her as an alpha, how do you think you're gonna fare as a beta?"

Derek turns to stare at Peter "I don't care."

"What if this was exactly what Jennifer was hoping for?" Peter asked "She would know the only way for you to save Cora would be giving up your power. Maybe that's what she was gonna have you do at the hospital."

'Why?" Derek asks

"So that you wouldn't be able to face the alphas without her." Peter says "She wants you to come to her. It's all part of her little seduction. And she is still seducing you. She needs you on her side."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Peter went to answer it. When Peter opened the door, there stood Lydia, who was shocked to see him.

"You." she said

"Me." Peter said back at her

"You." Lydia said again

"Me." Peter sighed as he turned around "Derek, we have a visitor."

Bella looked up from the couch "Lydia!"

"Hi Bella." Lydia greeted

Lydia informs the group that Chris Argent allowed himself to be taken by Jennifer Blake. Morrell was missing and Lydia showed Derek and Peter a drawing of a tree that she's been repeatedly drawing for no reason. The tree was the Nemeton.The Nemeton is a sacred space in which Druids can use to perform rituals. Jennifer had called Lydia a Banshee, which could explain the strange things that Lydia has been up to.

"You don't know where it is?" Lydia said "But Stiles said you'd been there."

"We have." said Peter "But after a few memorable experiences there, Talia-Derek's mother and my older sister-decided that she didn't ever want us going back. She knew how dangerous it was and took the memory of its location from us."

"Wait." Bella said in shock "She took something from you too?"

Peter nods "Unfortunately."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Now's not the time to discuss this." Peter tells her

"How are we supposed to find it?" Lydia asked

Peter shrugged

Lydia leaves disappointed and heads to the animal clinic to meet with Deaton, Allison, Stiles, Isaac and Scott.

Bella turns to look back at her father. "I'm not the only one that Talia had hurt, am I?"

"I wouldn't say hurt like you but she certainly took some memories from us." said Peter

"But why?"

"That's the million dollar question."

Later that night, Cora was getting worse and  Derek was getting agitated. "It's gotta be now. I don't have a choice."

"You always have a choice." Peter tells Derek "It's whether or not you can live with the consequences, facing Kali as a beta."

"But it's not just a full moon coming." Derek says "It's the lunar eclipse. We'll all be powerless."

"What do you mean powerless?" Bella asked

"When a lunar eclipse occurs, a werewolf temporarily loses their powers." Peter explains "That is until the eclipse ends."

"Oh." Bella said

Derek then leans over Cora, taking her hand. He grabs ahold and begins taking more of her pain away. Derek grimaces in pain as he uses all the power he has to help Cora. Derek then shifts, his eyes turning red to blue and teeth are out. Derek lets out a loud roar and Peter and Bella watch with worry.

16 hours have passed and the full moon rises in about four hours. Derek had been unconscious that whole time, weak from attempting to help Cora. Cora, thankfully, was alright.

Cora gives Derek some water and he wakes up. "You're okay."

Cora smiles "I'm doing so much better than you are right now. And all because of you."

"Hopefully not all for nothing." Peter says "The moon is rising Derek. You drained your battery all the way to the red. And there is a fully charged alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb."

"I'll be fine in a few hours." Derek weakly says

"I sinceriously hope so, because a few hours is all that you have."

Suddenly, Lydia shows up to the loft with Ethan, one of the twins.

"We know about the lunar eclipse. So don't think Kali's gonna sit around waiting for it to level the playing field. She's coming, and my brother's coming with her. " Ethan explained  apologetically

"Good enough for me." says Peter "Derek?"

"You want me to run?" Derek asked with agitation as he crossed his arms

"No. I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an alpha with a psychotic foot fetish." Peter says sarcastically as he walks up beside Derek  "Of course I want you to run. Sprint, gallop, leap your way the hell out of this town."

"If you want to fight and die for something,  that's fine with me" said Cora "But do it for something meaningful."

"I agree," said Bella. I may not have been in the game long but I know one thing's for certain. Fight for what's worth the cause."

"How do you know I'm gonna lose?" Derek asks

"We don't, but I'll bet she has an idea." said Peter, looking at Lydia "Don't you Lydia?"

Everyone turns to look at Lydia.

"I don't know anything." she says

"But you feel something, don't you?" Peter asks as he moves closer to her

"What do you feel?" Derek asked her

Lydia thought for a moment, looking scared "I feel like...I'm standing in a graveyard."

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