CHAPTER 25: We Need to Talk

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The both of them got out of the car and started carrying boxes up to the second floor one by one. Once inside, Bella got a good look around the apartment that Peter had gotten for them to call home. It was a rather large apartment.

"Your room is just down the end of the hall here if you want to check it out." said Peter

Bella grabbed one of her boxes and went inside her room. It was a fairly decent size. Lot's of light, not too dark like her previous bedroom. A full size bed was pushed against a wall.

"What do you think?" Peter asked as he came behind her.

"It's perfect." Belle replied as she sat down on her new bed.

Later that night, Bella had unpacked all the boxes. She sat on her bed as she took in her new surroundings.

There was a knock on her bedroom door and Peter came in

"Here, kiddo." Peter said as he handed Belle a cup  "Drink some chamomile tea before bed. It used to help me when I had nightmares."

Bella looked up at Peter. "How did you know?"

"You told me, remember? In the car?"

Bella nods in realization as she sets the hot mug of tea on her nightstand "Right."

"I have known about you having nightmares since you were six years old. Figured you were still getting them after I..." Peter stops himself to think of a better thing to say

"Died." Bella said, completing Peter's sentence.

Peter nodded and whispered "Yeah."

"If you don't mind, dad. I'd like to go to bed."

"Of course, sweetheart. Do you need anything?"

"I'm alright for now."

"Right then," Peter said as he came over and planted a kiss on the top of Bella's head. "Get some sleep."

Before Peter left the room, Bella called out to him. "Dad?"

Peter turns "Yes?"

"I love you."

Peter smiled softly back at his daughter. "I love you too."

Peter closed the bedroom door. Bella took some sips of the tea that Peter made for her. She wasn't fond of the taste.

Bella then crawled under the covers, closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

In the middle of the night, the sounds of screaming were heard in the apartment. Peter jerked awake and ran down the hall to his daughter's room. He burst into the room and could see Bella curled up in a fetal position, sobbing. He moves over towards her as he grabs her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly as she sobs in his arms before she even knew what was happening.

"I've got you, it's okay." Peter shushed "You're're okay."

Bella just wraps her arms tightly around Peter, not wanting to let go. Peter just continued to comfort Bella, rubbing her back in circles, rocking back and forth. It took minutes for Bella to calm down.

"You alright?" Peter asked

"For now" Bella whispered.

"Is there anything I can do?" Peter asked

Bella let out a deep breath "Can you just stay with me, dad?"

"Of course, sweetheart. I'll stay for as long as you need me."

Peter stayed by Bella's side for a little while. Peter watched her sleep for a good thirty minutes before he carefully left the room, making sure to leave the door cracked a bit, before back to his room

Bella Hale:  Peter Hale's Daughter-A Teen Wolf FanFictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum