Over The Years (Morpheus x Immortal!Reader)

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As Morpheus returned to him and his partner's chambers after a day of work, he was filled with worry at the sounds from inside. Small sobs and sniffles came from (Y/N), their back turned to him as they sat on the bed.

"My love?" He asked, concerned. Hating to see his lover in pain and wanting to do something to fix it.

They flinched slightly at his voice, having been to busy crying to hear him enter. "I'm fine." (Y/N) sniffled, wiping the tears from their eyes. Still not facing him. Not wanting him to see them crying.

However, Morpheus just stepped close. Reaching out, he took one of their hands in his. He had moved them slightly so that he stood in front of them, looking in concern at the heartbroken look in their reddened eyes.

"You aren't." He kept his tone and his expression gentle. "Do not lie to me. What is wrong?"

He wanted to wrap his arms around them, but knew it would be best to wait until they made the first move. The last thing he wanted to do was make his partner uncomfortable in a time like this.

"I..." (Y/N) couldn't hold back their sobs, holding their hand over their mouth to hide. "I can't..."

"Breath." He told them softly. "You're safe."

They nodded quickly, gulping at the air. Trying to calm themself and to stop Morpheus from looking so worried. "I... my sister... she." They took another deep breath. "She died. This morning."

Now Morpheus knew what was going on. His lover had only recently become an immortal, not even being a century old. Given immortality by Death as a gift when (Y/N) and Morpheus had fallen in love. But their sister had been their last living relative, their last connection with the mortal world.

Morpheus has watched them lose several people over the decades, holding and comforting them as they grieved. Morpheus had known their sister dying would be as bad, if not worse than all those other times. However, he had hoped it would be a while until her death had arrived.

"I have no one left." They weren't crying anymore, having tired themself away from tears. Looking at him with that sad look that broke his heart.

He gripped their hand tighter. "You have me. You have everyone in the Dreaming. They all love you. I love you."

"I know, I know." They shook their head dismissively. "I just..."

"You just what?"

"My old life is gone." It was just that was a new realization to them. As if the truth of immortality has just hit them. "There's nothing left of it anymore."

It was at that moment that (Y/N) finally moved closer to Morpheus. Pressing themself to his chest so that he could wrap his arms around them. To pull them into a tight hug. He traced shapes over their back with his fingers to relax them and pressed kisses to the top of their head.

When they finally calmed a bit more, he spoke. "It's not true." He told them. "There's still one thing left."

They stepped away for a second, but still gripping his arms. His touch keeping them stable in this awful situation. "What. What's left?"

"Your love." He told them simply. "Everyone you lost, you still love them so much. Death can't take that away."

(Y/N) looked at him, processing his words. Lip trembling, eyes still as watery as they had been when Morpheus had arrived in the chamber. But there was something else in their eye. Something stronger than the fragility he saw previously.

"What if I forget? Over the years, I mean? What if I stop loving them?"

Morpheus understood that fear. But he still loved people that he had lost centuries, millennia previously. "I'll remind you." He promised (Y/N).

They reached up, pulling him into a kiss. "Thank you." They told him, the first light of hopefulness breaking though the sadness in their expression. "I love you. You said you loved me before... well, I love you too."

Morpheus chuckled, pleased that they remembered that. "Of course." He nodded, kissing them again. "I know that."

Their love would last the whole of their immortality. For him and for those others that they have or lost.

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