Curiosity Part 2 (Morpheus x Reader)

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Morpheus normally didn't interfere with the dreams of mortals. Even the ones who drew his attention at a park while he was feeding bird.

He couldn't resist watching however, seeing what this human dreamed of.

The dreams weren't so pleasant, clearing based on years of a  difficult mortal life. Being chased, falling, betrayed. He could only empathize with some of it, knowing the feeling of betrayal quite intimately. But whenever he was there, he'd try and sooth those nightmares. Their sleeping mind would only stay calm for long, however.

He'd return to his throne, and the darkness would creep into their dreams once more.

In fact, they'd never stay asleep for long, returning to the waking realm in a cold sweat. Eventually however, it all became too much.

Morpheus could feel the pain the human felt from across the dreaming. The Realm was made of him, and he could feel the pain felt inside of it. The emotions they had held in for so long, stabbing into him like a well placed knife

He knew where it had come from, of course. And for the first time, he knew he had to properly intervene.

(Y/N) twisted dream disappeared in an instant, replaced with a white nothingness. Clean and empty, almost as intimidating as what they had just been seeing. "What..."

"(Y/N)." A voice spoke from behind them, and they turned suddenly to see the man they had seen at the park. "Do you remember me, (Y/N)." He asked, looking over at them

They nodded in disbelieve. "You were feeding the pigeons wrong." They flinched as the words left their mouth, worrying that they had said something rude.

Instead of getting offended, he chuckled. "You do remember, good."

"I... what is this?" The confusion was evident on their face.

He stepped closer. "I control the Dreaming, and you won't have to worry about those nightmares anymore."

"Why are you doing this?" The nightmares had plagued them their whole life. Why now was this dream maker helping them?

But he just shook his head, letting it be known that he wasn't ready to answer all questions. "I may not be able to protect you in the waking, but your dreaming hours are under my protection."

Nobody had ever tried to protect them like that.

"Thank you." They told him gratefully.

"Of course."

He held out his hand for them to take, wanting to take them to better places in his realm than they had already seen. He wanted them to have at least one beautiful part of their life.

Even if it was just their dreams.

Requested by: @Ghost_Guard_13

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