Lucifer x Morpheus's Family Member Headcanons

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- Neither you nor Lucifer meant for it to turn into a relationship.

- At first, the Ruler of Hell had meant to use you to get to Morpheus. To have you on the side of hell as a bargaining chip

- However, they soon realized that wouldn't work. You were far too loyal to your family, and old and experienced enough not to be manipulated by anyone. Especially not by someone who's love for trickery was so obvious.

- But you enjoyed Lucifer's attempts, and they enjoyed your responses. You were cleverer than Lucifer was used to, able to defend your mind against their tricks

- Eventually the manipulation attempts ceased and would instead become flirtation.

- And soon enough, Lucifer would look forward to your visits. And so would you

- Beginning to stay in hell for longer and longer, just because you liked the company of the Devil.

- Which would eventually grow into a relationship.

- You were one of the only people Lucifer liked and respected, and they made sure that the demons treated you with the same respect. Failure to treat you well would be punished.

- It wasn't necessary, since you were powerful just like Lucifer. But you still appreciated that they wanted you to be respected and happy

- As was pretty obvious, Morpheus wasn't too happy with this new arrangement. You were closest with him (as well as Death), so he viewed it as you choosing Lucifer over him.

- However, you managed to convince him that that wasn't true. You loved them both, and would never be willing to do anything that would put him in harm's way.

- Lucifer and Morpheus didn't truly get along, even if they acted like they did. But you stayed out of their dramatics. It wasn't your problem and they were perfectly cordial around you

- After all, they both wanted you to be happy. If you were happiest with Lucifer by your side, then so be it.

- They both knew you could make your own choices, just glad that they were your choices.

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