Morpheus's Lover Being Insecure About Stretch Marks Headcanons

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- If you were to mention that you were self-conscious about your stretch marks, Morpheus would chuckled as if you were making a joke.

- In fact, he actually did assume that you were joking.

- It was a normal part of your body, completely natural. Why would you be insecure about something that was normal?

- When he realized you were serious, he was speechless.

- And, when he learned that it was something that people were shamed for, he just kind of sighed in exasperation.

- Of course humans would find problems with something completely normal.

- Since the moment of you telling him that, he did his best to try and make sure that you wouldn't feel insecure about your stretch marks again

- Or anything about your body.

- Morpheus adored you, adored everything about you. He thought you and your body was perfect

- He wouldn't quite understand why anyone, even you, could have a bad word to say about you.

- And so if you were insecure, he made sure to let you know how perfect you were to him

- He wanted you to see yourself the way that he did

Requested by: @_Mi_Ah_

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