Morpheus's Lover Having A Medusa Tattoo Headcanons (TW: Past S.A.)

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- Morpheus didn't know what your tattoo symbolized at first, making no connection between the cursed woman he had heard of years ago when he was still Oneiros and the symbol of healing from trauma that it was for you

- When he finally found out the modern symbolism of the inked face along your skin, he asked you about it immediately. He supposed in retrospect that he could have been a lot more tactful about his questioning. But in his defence, he was concerned about you

- You were hesitant to talk to him about it at first, but eventually he managed to show that he was just asking because he loved you. So you finally told him about the sexual abuse you had suffered in your past.

- He took it pretty much how you expected. Worry and deep sadness for what you had experience, and rage at the idea of anyone hurting you in any way

- If you even so much as give him any identifying information about the person who abused you, Morpheus will visit all of his wrath upon that person. Making sure that they will feel all the pain they possibly could.

- But before that, he will make sure that you're alright. You're his priority, and your safety and health matters more to him that anything. He needs to make sure that telling him this didn't damage you any more than the scars of your past hadn't already

- He'll do whatever you needed. Whatever makes you happy. All he wanted was for you to know that you could confide in him about anything and everything

- Including the painful meanings behind your tattoos

Requested by: @Witch-of-1993

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