Morpheus & Desire Having Asexual Partners Headcanons

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😴 Before you explained to him that you were asexual, Morpheus would be kind of miffed that you were avoiding his advances

😴 He worried that you didn't feel the same love for him that he did for you

😴 But when you told him, he accepted it almost immediately. Relieved that you still did love him

😴 He'd be very respectful of you. Boundaries are very important for you, both for you to him and for him to you. 

😴 Asking you what you're comfortable with, and what you're not comfortable with.

😴 Anything that makes you uncomfortable will never be attempted, he won't push you to change your mind.

😴 If you ever worry that he'll miss sex or you're not doing enough to make him want to stay in a relationship, he will immediately reassure you that you're all he wants

😴 He's older that almost anything. Sex is not a priority to him and he's very satisfied by holding you and and being in your company.

😴 As long as he knows that you love him, he's happy.


😍 You're a little cautious, as an asexual person, about getting into a relationship with Desire

😍 After all, they're the embodiment of Desire, so you're worried that they'll really want sex in a relationship.

😍 But when you finally tell them that you have feelings for them and that you're asexual, they surprise you by being super understanding.

😍 Telling you that they love you as well, and that they don't mind not sleeping with you. They're the embodiment of desire, but not just sexual desire.

😍 Desire wants to be with you, and if your desire is nonsexual affection, deep conversation, and anything else like that, then they'll be happy to do that with you

😍 They'll even stop the suggestively flirtatious remarks if you ask them to.

😍 Wanting you to feel safe around them, they won't do anything to make you uncomfortable.

😍 You never have to worry about your relationship with them.

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