Dating Desire Would Include

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- Dating Desire would be a very interesting partnership. They are a very interesting person.

- Even if interesting might be a nice word for it.

- They're conniving and mischievous. And they need a partner that's alright with that. Someone who they can tell their plans to

- Even if you might not be so excited for any violence they might provoke in humans.

- But despite those characteristics, they are a very protective and devoted partner. Even if they would be in denial about being in love at the beginning

- When they accepted the relationship, get ready to be cherished

- Anything you desired would be your, riches, style, influence. Desire will make sure that people know exactly who you belong with

- They want you to be the happiest that you could be when you're with them. Wanting you to be with them forever

- They'll take you to amazing places, on amazing adventures. Desire is a dramatic person, and you two will live a dramatic lifestyle

- They'll be hesitant to introduce you to their family, knowing that Desire has schemes against them.

- But if you do end up meeting them, they'll remark on how your relationship made Desire much happier than before

- Because the truth was, Desire will eventually need you as much as you need them.

- Their future is with you, and they won't let anyone change that. And neither would you

- Your relationship is the most important thing to the both of you.

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