Morpheus Having A Lover With Nature Abilities Headcanons

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- He met you by chance on earth, seeing you growing flowers and making trees move. All in accordance with your powers, but he thought you looked absolutely ethereally stunning

- Morpheus decided in that moment that he had to speak to you, and to his delight, you were just as fascinating to speak to as to look at.

- Even more delightfully, you seemed to feel the same thing for him. The two of you getting along fairly quickly.

- And fairly quickly after that, your relationship progressed from friends to lovers. Both of you thinking that the other was the most amazing person you two had ever met in your lives.

- You started living with him in the Dreaming, absolutely loving his realm (which made Morpheus very happy)

- A new goal in your life was to help keep the Dreaming lively and beautiful, which took a lot of pressure off Morpheus. He appreciated all the help, very glad that he met you

- And it worked, the Dreaming had never felt like a more welcoming place than it did when you were around. Partially because when Morpheus was happy, the residents of the Dreaming's slept happily

- And Morpheus was always happy when you were around.

- He made an effort to do the same for you, always wanting you to have the most wonderful time with him. Always checking in to make sure you were happy and safe. Your happiness mattered so much to him, and he did his best to make sure you were always your warm loving self.

You were his other half, his light side that always brightened his day.

- Despite that however, you were no pushover. Always willing to do whatever you could to keep the things you loved safe. Your nature, your friends, your dearest love Morpheus.

- If you ever thought he was in trouble, you would do everything you could to protect him. After all, he was the most important thing to you and if anyone tried to take him from you, you would use the full force of your powers against them

- Morpheus would always chuckle at that, telling you that he would do the same for you and that as the King of the Dreaming, he could protect himself

- But secretly, he felt so happy knowing that he had someone that cared about him so much. That he had you on his team no matter what

-  He always felt better knowing that you were with him

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