Desire Trying To Seduce An Ace Crush Headcanons ;)

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- A problem had been found in Desire's plans of seducing the human that they had feelings for. A problem that they hadn't anticipated

- Your reaction was the problem. All the flirting and teasing glances led to... practically nothing. Of course you were polite, interesting and treated them very well, but you didn't respond to the attempted seduction from Desire.

- No matter how much they tried to use their tried and trusted method of letting you know how they felt about you, it didn't work. In fact, it seemed like the more Desire flirted, the more you distanced yourself.

- Finally, they had enough. Scared to lose you, they (rather inelegantly) blurted out their feelings towards you. Telling you about their love and nervously waiting for your reply.

- And to their delight, you reciprocated. You loved them too, and Desire felt joy at hearing that.

- When they asked you why you didn't respond their flirting (and preening), you let them know that you're ace. That type of courting just wasn't one that you were interested it.

- Desire didn't mind, they were just happy to have you. And honestly... they were a little flattered. So used to being desired, but not used to being loved, this admittance that you loved Desire for their personality, not their looks and powers, sparked a feeling that the Endless wasn't used to

- A lovely feeling. A feeling of happiness that warmed their heart.

- They didn't have to worry about whether your feelings were just lust, they didn't have to worry about constantly keeping your interest in their looks. Desire could finally relax with another person

- Although sometimes Desire was a little frustrated that they couldn't get out of trouble with you by trying to distract you with their attractiveness, they will admit that having someone that can call them out on their behaviour is good for them.

- They wouldn't trade away their relationship with you for anything.

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