Morpheus With A Dramatic Partner Headcanons

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- Morpheus and everyone who knew him had no idea how your relationship came to be. No idea how the two of you functioned together.

- You were dramatic and chaotic, cracking jokes and putting on performances at every opportunity.

- Every room you were in became lively, as you engaged the people in conversation and your jokes.

- Some loved it, some found it a little bothersome.

- For Morpheus, he expected to find it annoying (and sometimes you crossed that line), but a lot of the time he was endeared by you.

- So much of life is monotonous when he's lived forever, so little excitement when he's seen everything.

- But you could always be relied upon to make things a little more interesting.

- Lucienne would bring your breakfast when you were helping her out in the library one day.

- Your reaction was a pretentious and grandiose speech about how Lucienne was your bestest friend and that you were filled with gratitude from her kindness. (Even dipping your hand in water to tap it onto your face to mimic tears)

- She rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smirk at your antics.

- Lucienne liked you, liked how you could raise the spirits of the people who worked in the Dreaming. As well as when you got Morpheus to be less tense and pretentious

- You'd help out it dream designing, even directing the story of individual dream.

- Morpheus decided that since you were dramatic, he might as well give you a job that you could use that personality trait for.

- And you put your whole heart into the job, just like you do everything else.

- Getting the dreams and nightmares to act out the dreams, giving them encouragement and support.

- Once or twice, you'd even get Morpheus to help out. Refusing to let him leave until he's fully committed to the act.

- He only consented to that because he loves you, although he has too much dignity to help you with your dream plays more than a couple of times

- Sometimes, your dramatics will rub off on him. There would be times when the two of you weren't speaking as much as he would like and he would go off and sulk, pretending to be angry or hurt to get your attention.

- You guessed what he was doing pretty quickly, playing along to protect his dignity. Showering him with love and attention.

- The two of you would spend the day together, catching each other up on what you had been doing. Talking about your future together

- When he first fell in love with you, he was a little cautious about you being around when he was having meetings with leaders from other realms.

- To his relief, however, you were very professional. Acting like a queen as you conversed with the diplomats.

- And as soon as they left, you would go back to your cheerful and wild self.

"So you behave for the Faerie envoy, but not for me?" Morpheus teased, wrapped his arms around your waist as he kissed you. Having just found you trying to completely redecorate your room by moving all the heavy furniture by yourself.

You just shrugged, grinning at him. "Well, I trust you. I like you."

- What was when he knew how much he adored you, when he realized that this dramatic act was you trusting him with your honest self.

- That you acted like that around him and his people because you loved and trusted them, just as they loved and trusted you

- Your devotion was clear, just as his was. In his own way.

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