Morpheus, Desire, & The Corinthian With A Partner Of Their Period

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😴 Morpheus, bless his heart, knows what to do pretty much immediately after you tell him what's wrong
😴 He's had partners who've dealt with the same thing, even if he hadn't been as hands on with them in those scenarios
😴 But you're a special case, and he absolutely hates to see you in pain. So he'll do what he can to take care of you
😴 In fact, he'll probably go a little overboard. He can create everything you would want in the dreaming.
😴 (You want chocolate, he'll make a chocolate fountain and a 6 layered chocolate cake appear.)
😴 Morpheus will ask Lucienne to deal with his work, spending the day holding you and making sure you have what you need.

😍 Desire is a little less of a sweetheart about it. But still very willing to help out.
😍 Holding you close to them, gently tracing shapes over your skin.
😍 I headcanon them as being really cold to the touch, and their hands would feel great against your cramps.
😍 They'll get you everything you could possibly desire. Heating pads, tv, etc. They'll know exactly what type of chocolate or candy you're craving
😍 In fact, they'll know exactly what you want in general.
😍 You wouldn't have to ask them for anything. They'll already give it to you before you even know you wanted it.

The Corinthian:
😎 The Corinthian isn't quite as immediate with his involvement like the other two. Not used to relationships or helping out with his partner's period
😎 You'll have to tell him what you want him to do, but he will do it.
😎 Calling you from the store asking you what type of chocolate or whatever else you wanted
😎 Once he realized that your cramps were really taking a lot out of you, he'd start getting more helpful
😎 He'd grab takeout from whatever place was your favourite
😎 And while he was out, he'd stop by your work to let your boss know (I.e. "convince" them), to give you a break until you were feeling better.
😎 He can be very persuasive
😎 The two of you would sit under a blanket on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and watching tv.

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