Return To Him Part 2 (Morpheus x Ex Partner!Reader) *Smut*

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Despite (Y/N)'s wishes (and her ego) it didn't take very long for her to return to the dreaming. It almost felt like a betrayal to her dignity. But she couldn't stay away.

The excuse in her brain was that Lucienne needed yet, and that Cain and Abel would enjoy the company. Anything not to admit that she had missed Morpheus.

But he was there anyways, waiting as she reentered the palace.

"You've come back." He sounded pleased. "I'll call Merv to take your bags."

She smiled courteously. "Thank you." (Y/N) tried not to look at him, but it was incredibly difficult. There was something so magnetic about the King of the Dreaming. And he stood so close, so close that she could feel his breath on her face.

She made her excuses, stepping away from him to head to her room. When she distanced herself from him, he almost swayed forward for a second, seeming like he was chasing the feeling of closeness.

She had to leave before she did the same thing.


(Y/N) stuck around for longer that she planned to. It wasn't her fault, the Dreaming had just eventually seemed like home after all the time she had spent there.

Plus, Morpheus was being so gracious. More than she was used to, at least. It was obvious that he wanted her back, but she didn't quite know if she was willing to let him in.

She also didn't know if he would stop being so loving if he knew he had won her over again.

"(Y/N)." Morpheus said, days later as she visited him in his throne room. He sat up there, looking like a god lounging in the chair. Dark hair sticking up like a dark halo. He straightened up when he saw her. "What can I help you with?"

"I'm planning to leave again. To visit friends." It was just an excuse, she just knew she should leave before she couldn't anymore.

But Morpheus knew her well, better than anyone. "Leave? So soon? When will you return?" He wasn't pleased, his deep voice spiked with displeasure. He was still on his throne, but leaning forward like she was his source of gravity.

"I... I don't know." She shrugged, watching him as he looked away for a second. Hiding some feeling before returning his gaze to her.

"Do you even plan to return?" He knew her answer as soon as he spoke, the look on her face told him everything. "(Y/N), you don't need to leave. Just tell me what I can do to make you stay."

He felt like he was begging, a blow to his pride. But he didn't want to lose her.

(Y/N) to her credit, realized that. Stepping in the stairs to his throne, she stood in front of him. "You don't want that. And I don't want to be in your way."

"You could never be in my way."

"You say that now." She scoffed, trying to keep from getting emotional. "But when I decide to stay and you get tired to me..."

Morpheus stood quickly, taking her hands in his. "No, no. That would not happen. I thought of you every day I spent in that cage. Imagining holding you again. You are the most important thing to me."

(Y/N) looked like she was about to say something back. But instead of speaking, she leaned forward and kissed him. Savouring the feeling of him reaching up and cup her face in his hands.

The intensity of their kiss spoke clearer than any words. The two lovers had missed the feeling, missed each other. Years of (Y/N) trying to avoid her feelings had been given up as soon as she realized that Morpheus really did love her like she loved him.

"Don't leave." Morpheus spoke against her lips. "I need you here."

(Y/N) nodded, not fighting anymore. She gently pushed Morpheus back onto his throne, climbing onto his lap to continue kissing him. Her legs on either side of him as he held her against him.

Scattering kisses against her jaw, Morpheus ran his hands over her sides. Slipping under her shirt, to trace over her curves.

"Morpheus, please." She gasped, knowing exactly what he was thinking of doing.

But he shushed her, using his powers to close the door to the room. As soon as she heard the lock click, she starting to tug off her shirt, giving him better access to her chest.

His next use of his powers was to remove the clothes from both of them. Morpheus held her by her hips, grinding her against him. He had missed her sweet moans, the sound of them sending a jolt of lust through his body.

"What do you want?" He asked her, reaching down to touch her heat. Playing with her clit as he watched the arousal on her face. "Tell me what to do to you."

She pulled him in for another kiss, rolling her hips against him. "Just fuck me, Morpheus." She gasped. It had been over a century since the last time she had felt him like this, desperation filling her body. "Please."

He smiled gently, giving in immediately. Lifting her up, he sank her down onto his cock. The feeling of him inside of her emptying her brain of thoughts.

He took her breast into his mouth as she rode him, tugging gently at her nipple. Still playing with her clit, he basked in the feeling of pleasure as she clenched around him. He couldn't lose her again, the sound of her gasps like heaven to him. Loving the sight of pleasure on her face.

When they finally came, he kept holding her close. He knew she wasn't going to leave him now, but he had missed the feeling of her in his arms so badly. He needed her touch, the touch that he had lost in Burgess's mansion.

"I missed you." She said quietly, hand pressed to his chest. "I thought..."

He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. "I'm with you now. I love you."

She chuckled, relaxing against him. "I love you too."

Requested by: @-folklrepugh , @MariaPuga354 , & @LunaNight1021

The Sandman Oneshots & HeadcanonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora