Fight For You (Morpheus x Crowley's Sibling!Reader)

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When Morpheus thought of demons, he thought of evil and lies. The creatures that followed Lucifer and couldn't be trusted by anyone other than Hell's Ruler.

Then there was (Y/N), and he didn't know what to think about them. Their sibling, Crowley, had been quite influential in hell for a while. Although Morpheus hadn't met him, he had heard about his "accomplishments".

But (Y/N) was... unexpected. They were in no means a perfect person, but they were more like a real person that any of the demons he had met. He tried not to trust them, he really did.

But he still spent time with them and allowed them into his Realm.

"This place is to much nicer that Hell." They admitted the first time he had invited them to the Dreaming. "Smells better, too."

Morpheus smiled a little as they explored. "I don't believe that Hell should be where the standard for Realms is. It is not supposed to be pleasant." His words were wry, but he was secretly pleasure that they enjoyed his work.


When Morpheus had gotten imprisoned, (Y/N) looked for him. After several decades of looking, they had found Burgess's home. But, the defenses around the building stopped a demon from entering. (Y/N) had found out where Morpheus was, but couldn't do anything about it.

Eventually he would free himself and reunite with his demonic friend, who he had missed more than he thought he would have. To his continued surprise, (Y/N) had gotten a lot more protective of him since then.

He didn't mind it, knowing that (Y/N) was a fierce and talented fighter. He was just glad that they was on his side and not on Hell's. Plus, Morpheus was just happy that they cared enough to be willing to go into battle for him.

However, sometimes the fighter in them worried him. He knew (Y/N) could look after themself, but when they went at the Corinthian...

"You didn't need to throw yourself into a fight with the Corinthian." He told them after he had gotten rid of the nightmare, trying not to sound like he was scolding them. "I can clean up my own messes."

"I know that, Morpheus. I just..."

"Just what?" He raised his eyebrow as they stood in front of him, suddenly quiet. Their knives still tight in their hands.

They shook their head, forcing themself to relax a little. "Doesn't matter."

"It does matter." Morpheus knew they were lying, and suspected what they were lying about. To test his theory, he gently took their hands in his. "I appreciate what you are willing to do for me, more that you know. But your safety matters, if not to yourself then to me."

That took them off guard, as did the feeling of his fingers gently stroking their hands. "I... I just don't want to lose you."

The Ruler of the Dreaming chuckled, knowing from their tone that he had been correct in his assumption.

He stepped closer, kissing them gently. Feeling them pull him closer as they kissed back, an almost desperate feeling in their kiss. As if they had been starved of love. Which, as a demon, Morpheus was sure they had been. "I don't want to lose you, either." He told them honestly.

Their smile was small and cautious. "Does this mean I'm staying here?"

"That would be preferable."

"Oh, thank goodness." They gave a dramatic sigh of relief, making him laugh. Trust them to turn any moment into a joke when they felt like they were getting too emotional.

"I like the Dreaming so much better than hell."

The Sandman Oneshots & Headcanonsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें