Return to Him (Morpheus x Ex Partner!Reader)

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"Morpheus!" Despite her negative feelings for the Dream Lord, (Y/N) immediately knelt by his side.

She had known he was weak from his time imprisoned, but hadn't known he was so weak that he couldn't fix the Dreaming. Instead, he just collapsed in a rain of glass and rubble. Not the terrifyingly powerful being she had once known.

It was worrying to her when Morpheus allowed her to help him up. Before, he would have never let her see him like that. His ego would have made him brush her off.

(Y/N) sat beside him on the staircase as he spoke about tools. That awful Burgess had taken and lost them, confirming himself as the most irritating human in her mind. Because Morpheus would have to speak to the Fates to get them back, which always had a price

"Will you come with us?" Morpheus finally spoke to (Y/N) as he prepared to go absorb the gargoyle he created for the brothers. It was surprising that he would be so cordial to her, but she just shook her head.

There was a slight look of rejection on his face as he nodded and left. He knew it wasn't personal. Morpheus knew that she was friendly with Cain and Abel. The brothers would be heartbroken about Gregory, and she didn't want to have to see it.


As Morpheus made his journey towards Gregory, his mind was on (Y/N). His ex lover, the one person he regretted losing the most.

She had been kind, kinder than he deserved while helping him. But she was so distant, so much more than she had been before. It hurt him, knowing that she didn't need him like he did.

She was still in the Dreaming, however. So maybe there was still something there. Some hope inside of him that she would give him a chance.

Morpheus knew she would probably leave now that he was back permanently. He also knew that he only had one chance to get her to stay.


"You're leaving?" Morpheus asked behind her, his deep voice making her shiver. There was no emotion to his voice, nothing but that simple question.

"You're back." (Y/N) replied, clicking her suitcase shut. "Lucienne doesn't need any help anymore. So I have no reason to stay."

"Many in the Dreaming depend on you. You have value here."

"Do I?" She turned to face him. "Don't act like you want me to be here. I left and I moved on. I was only here because you weren't."

He looked slightly hurt, only slightly. Grabbing her bags, she started to leave.

But he stopped her, hand on her arm. "I do want you here. What I said when we last spoke was a lie."

"Then why did you say it? Why didn't you tell me earlier." Both questions had been stuck in her head over a decade. He had broken her heart, and she had healed herself. But those questions hadn't been answered.

His hand was still on her arm, but looser. The look in his eyes was intense, making her want to look away. "I was hurt, I thought..." He sighed. "I was going to come find you, but Roderick Burgess got in the way."

"You..." She hadn't expected that, for him to admit that he wanted her back."This doesn't change anything, you know." She told him, but her voice wavered.

"I understand. All I'm asking is for you to consider not leaving." His gaze had turned soft, making her feel all warm. Morpheus had a special way of making her feel all dizzy.

"I..." Her voice was a slight stutter. "I suppose I could return soon. To help out the Dreaming."

"Of course." He nodded, but beginning to feel hopeful. "The Dreaming would appreciate that very much." Maybe there was a chance, just a little one, that he could make her love him again.

His greatest desire was for her to return to him.

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