Morpheus's Lover Getting Cursed Headcanons

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- Obviously, if you're the lover of the King of Dreams, you're going to live your life in a certain amount of danger

- So many people would want you dead, or would want to manipulate you to get to Morpheus.

- It may be a change from your life, but it's a change you got used to.

- But some things, like accidents or danger, are unavoidable.

- Which was the exactly what happened when you were cursed by a powerful witch, unknown at first to either you or your love.

- When the curse hit, you had brushed it off. Thinking that since you were feeling no immediate problems, it must have not worked

- Then you got sick, feeling like your body was trying to fight you, darkness creeping in

- Morpheus was there with you, panicking at the sight of you in pain. Tugging at his hair as he tried to figure out what had happened.

- But the feelings got worse, and then they got better. He thought that everything was going to be fine.

- But while the darkness left your body, it settled into your mind. Making you colder, crueler

- That broke Morpheus's heart, seeing the person he loved pull away from him. Say all sorts of cruel things that he never thought you would say.

- It was finally then that he realized it was a curse, telling himself that you would never verbally hurt him like that unless someone was making you.

- He managed to get you to tell him what the witch looked like and what happened, wincing at the cold words interspersed between your answers

- But he didn't blame you, didn't get angry at you. No. His anger was saved for that creature who had attempted to ruin the person more dear to his heart.

- The witch wouldn't be killed immediately. Morpheus thought would only be the easy way out for it. He wanted to make sure that the witch suffered.

- Anything it did to you, to others, would be revisited upon the witch itself a thousand times stronger. Living the rest of its life in misery.

- And when he returned to you, the curse finally got lifted. Throwing your arms around him, you begged for his forgiveness for what you had said

- But there was nothing to forgive. He knew that it wasn't you who said it.

- From then on, Morpheus was much more protective of you. He couldn't bear to imagine another curse taking you away from him

- And if another tried, he would keep you safe. Heal you of any harm.

- You were precious to him beyond measure.

Requested by: @TeaKing0

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