Morpheus Being Your First Kiss Headcanons

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- You hadn't ever kissed anyone before Morpheus, not really being in many relationships before you met him

- While you did want to kiss him - even fantasizing about it - you were very nervous about the idea.

-  The idea that you would be a bad kisser, or would do it wrong and embarrassed yourself filled your mind.

- It got to the point where when he first leaned in to kiss you, you panicked and stumbled away from his reach.

- Morpheus looked hurt by your apparent rejection, (we al know he doesn't take perceived rejection well) but he relaxed when you hastily explained why you had moved away.

- A small smile appeared on his lips, reaching up to cup your face gently. Telling you that it was fine.

- His kiss was gentle, with you marvelling at how soft his lips were.

- When then kiss ended, he continued to hold you close. Foreheads pressed together as he gently stroked your cheek.

Bonus: Lip Biting Headcanons (Requested by @_The_Dant )

- It wasn't something he did all the time. Not even commonly

- But sometimes when Morpheus and you would be making out, he'd lightly tug at your lower lip with his teeth.

- It was usually done in a teasing way, with a cheeky glint in his eyes.

- But sometimes, when you were in a more intense mood, kissing deeply, his lip biting habit would be a little bit harsher

- Not enough to cause any real damage, but enough that there was one time where you did taste blood.

- He apologized quickly, scared that he hurt you badly. But you didn't mind, thinking it was a little hot.

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