Curiousity (Morpheus x Reader)

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It was a pleasant day, just the type of day Morpheus preferred when sitting at a park. Just feeding the pigeons, relaxing after a day of work. Lost in thought as he watched the little creatures eat up the pieces of bread that he gave them.

Morpheus sometimes felt bad for the pigeons. Once loved by humans, as food, as tools, as pets. Now pests, hated by the people who had domesticated them. The pigeons were mostly all feral now, but the Dreamlord's pity had him occasionally visiting parks and feeding them.

But when he looked away, away from the birds to the bench across from him. He had only glanced for a second, but the one second he saw them filled him with intrigue.

His power of dreams let him know exactly who people were, and he was briefly surprised to see someone like them at a park. (Y/N)'s thoughts were dark, memories disturbing. And he knew that they were at this quiet spot for a similar reason as him.

He was getting away from his throne, they were getting away from whatever bloody or dirty job they were hired to do. But this was a safer place, and they just sat on the bench with their knees pulled to their chest.

As he watched them, they watched the other people. Examining them, trying to figure out what made them tic. For Morpheus, it was like he was seeing the lives of everyone around them just by watching this one human.

Then their attention was turned to Morpheus, and he almost felt naked under their eye. He knew they had no powers, no way to see what or who he was. But he still couldn't help the cautious feeling inside of him.

He averted his eyes from them, returning his attention to the birds. But to his surprise, a shadow fell over him that's as revealed to be (Y/N)'s.

"You shouldn't feed bread to the birds." They spoke up, not intimidated by his intense stare. "Seeds are better."

He tilted his head, putting the bread down. "Is that all you've come to say?"

He expected a reply, but they just nodded. Leaving after that, not at all satiating his curiosity. 

Instead, he had to search their dreams for answers. Letting them out of their personal dreams and speaking to them. It may have not been his smartest decision.

But he didn't regret it.

Didn't regret seeing them, getting to know them. They weren't a bad person, they were kind. Kinder than he was, or was used to from humans. It wasn't hard for him to care.

But to his surprise, he wasn't hard for them to care about him to.

Requested by: @Ghost_Guard_13

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