Morpheus Having An Insecure Partner Would Include

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- It's not really hard to be insecure when you're in a relationship with Morpheus, the literal King of Dreams.

- It's not his fault of course, you know how much he loves you. But it's hard not to worry when you're with a king who has history with many other powerful attractive people

- He's absolutely gorgeous, no one can deny that. And sometimes you can't believe why such a beautiful person would want to be with you.

- The dark thoughts start to creep in. Worrying that they aren't good enough to be with him, that any of his previous lovers or any other people would be a better partner for the Ruler of the Dreaming

- Sometimes you'd mention that. Not being honest enough to worry him, just testing the waters.

- But he'd just chuckle indulgently and tell you that the only person he could possible want to be with it you. That you're perfect.

- That would calm your worries for a few days until the darkness returned to your mind and you started worrying all over again.

- And eventually, it got really hard to act like everything was okay. So, you started to stay away from the Dreaming more and more. Just to avoid the insecurities that you feel when being there.

- But Morpheus loves you, and once he realized that he wasn't seeing you often enough, he immediately goes to find you.

- He asked if you are avoiding him because you don't loving him anymore, with an expression like a kicked puppy.

- But when you vehemently denied that, telling him that of course you love him, he demand an explanation for you leaving.

- When you're finally honest with him about your insecurities, his heart breaks a little for you. Angry with himself that he didn't notice

- He was just so wrapped up in his love for you. He didn't even consider that you would think you were unlovable. Not when you were the most lovable person in the world to him.

- He held you tight, pressing kisses to your face. Vowing to be more verbal about his love and attentive towards you in the future.

- To make sure that you never doubted his love again.

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