Lucifer Falling In Love With Their Challenger Headcanons

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- You didn't expect it go this far. 

- The Devil's henchmen had caught you trying to steal from Hell, and you knew your life was very much in danger

- But when dragged to see Lucifer, you were a little amazed

- You had expected the Ruler of Hell to be beautiful, since they were a fallen Angel. But wow

- And so powerful, tall and charming. You may have gotten a small crush on your capturer.  

- Especially when they held their fingers to your chin, lifting your head to face them. 

- But despite that, you knew you were about to die. So you did the only thing you could think of

- You challenged the Ruler of Hell to battle, demanding freedom if you won

- Having been trapped in hell with no one to help you out, there weren't a lot of options.

- You held your breath, waiting for their response 

- Lucifer just laughed, getting another demon to fight for them. Thinking you would be beaten in a second.

- However, you won. Much to Lucifer's surprise.

- And they had to admit, they were impressed

"So." Lucifer stood over you. "I suppose you would like to leave now?"

"I mean... or we could get married?" There was a nervous grin on your face as you breathed heavily from battle exhaustion. You didn't really know why you had said that, but honestly didn't regret it.

That caught Lucifer off guard, but... oddly enough, they were intrigued by the proposal. "Marriage? To me?"

"I mean... only if you want to."

- Lucifer considered the proposal, somehow wanting to say yes

- You had proven yourself capable enough. At least, capable enough to sneak into hell

- And the bravery of giving this request? Knowing that your "only if you want to" would give Lucifer permission to smite you if they desired

- But you had asked despite that. Despite winning the battle and getting the chance at freedom.

- You had chosen Lucifer instead of that

- With all of that considered, they could only say yes.

- Intrigued by you and how you could help them rule hell

- Lucifer promised themself that they would send you right back to earth if they even got tired of you, or you of them

- But, that never happened. And Lucifer would joke that they were glad that you had attempted to steal from them

- And you would joke back and say it technically wasn't stealing, since "what's yours is mine."

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