Pouting And Coughing (Desire x Reader)

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For their entire life, Desire had been working under the pretty much completely accurate assumption that they were incapable of getting sick. That sickness was for weak mortals and that they were better than that.

However, they were finding out that while they were immune to human illness, they were not immune to magic-induced illness. Not immune to the anger of a witch who only wanted to cause Desire discomfort and sickness.

Desire wasn't usually used to other people seeking revenge for the trouble that the Endless had caused. And even if someone did, they were sure that they were able to protect themself from it. But the witch was smart, and went after Desire's human lover.

Knowing that the poison the witch used would kill any human, Desire took the effects of the spell upon themself. Getting an illness from the poison, but being too powerful to die.

Their lover (Y/N) took it upon themself to take care of Desire, knowing it was only fair and hating to see their powerful partner in pain. It was only after they started that they realized how much of a child Desire was when they were sick.

"(Y/N)!" They whined, stretching over their chair. "I don't like this."

They had been pouting and complaining for the last hour, not used to feeling as bad as they were. (Y/N) chuckled slightly. "I know, babe. I know." They went over to Desire, allowing the Endless to cuddle up against them. "It'll wear off in a few hours."

They coughed. "I want it to wear off now."

"I know." (Y/N) kissed their forehead. "It sucks. Can I get you anything? Are you hungry?"

Desire felt nauseous at the idea of food. They normally enjoyed their lover's cooking despite not really needing to eat. But in the moment, the thought of it was incredibly unappealing. They shook their head. "No."

They just wanted to stay in (Y/N)'s arms, feeling only a little bit better when their lover was holding them. "Okay, sweetheart. You let me know if you need anything." (Y/N) told them, stroking a hair through their short pale hair.

Soon, Desire would go back to their teasing, powerful self. But for the moment, the two of them were wrapped up tight, keeping each other warm and safe. Ego put aside when Desire wasn't feeling like their best self.

Letting their lover be the protector.

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