Rest Of My Life (Morpheus x Reader)

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Time never really mattered in the land of the gods. After all, why would a date be important to someone who had lived through billions of them.

Still, Morpheus couldn't help but feel the anxiety anticipation as he waited for an audience with two of them. The Endless still couldn't believe he could get nervous after all these years.

"Dream, darling." Nyx entered, powerful and stunning as ever. Her husband Erebus followed, regal and ancient as ever. "How are you? What can we do for you?" Morpheus couldn't help but notice that (Y/N) had inherited all the best aspects of her parents. As well as so many admirable characteristics that she had evolved to have herself.

"I came to speak with you about something concerning (Y/N)." There was no turning back now, not when they both looked at him, slightly worried.

Erebus responded for the two of them. "Why has something happened?"

"No, no. Do not worry yourselves. (Y/N) is well." He took a small breath. "That is what I am here to discuss."


Morpheus clasped his hands together, looking at the two gods honestly. "I am planning to ask your daughter for her hand in marriage."


"And I would like your blessings before I do so." They were powerful being, at his lover's parents. He knew it would mean a lot to her if they blessed the engagement. "I am not asking for permission. (Y/N) is the only person who I will ask that. But as we could soon become family, I would appreciate your support."

He braced himself for their dismissal, but was shocked when Nyx stepped forward and pulled him into a tight hug. It wasn't what he had expected. "Of course we'll support you, dear boy." She smiled at him once she let him go. "I've never seen her happier than she is with you."

"We'll support you as long as you keep making our daughter happy, that is." Erebus said, less trusting that his wife, but still visibly pleased.

"For the rest of my life." Morpheus agreed wholeheartedly. He didn't need Erebus to tell him to do that, it was already one of his main priorities. "However long that is."

"Then welcome. To this family."

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