Morpheus's Lover Having Bad Parents Headcanons

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- It's fairly probable that you wouldn't tell him about your troubled relationship with your parents until a bit of time into your relationship.

- It wasn't that you expected that he would be rude about it, but you didn't want to seem like you were being dramatic or pessimistic

- When you actually told him about your situation however, whatever it is, he was actually super understanding and sympathetic

- He had his own experiences with his own bad parents, (and had been a bad parent himself). So he knew how you feel better then you expected.

- He'd be very aware of how bad parents could affect you, so he'd make sure that you feel safe with him.

- Safe to speak your mind and not be constantly worried about disappointing or making him mad.

- If you didn't speak with your parents anymore, he'd support that. Reassuring you that you made the best choice for yourself.

- If you're still in contact with them, he'll do his best to help you and make sure you come out of those interactions mentally well.

- If you do take him to meet your parents, he'll be quietly very protective of you. Hand in yours, making sure you know that he's on your side.

- He'll introduce you to his siblings (at least the ones that he trusts). Hoping that you will let them in and allow the Endless to be your new family.

- He just wanted you to be around people who make you happy. If your parents weren't that type of people, then he would immediately despise them

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