Morpheus Having A Sweetheart!God Partner Would Include

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- Morpheus's lover, the completely opposite of him in every way.

- You were cheerful while he was cold, full of life while he looked down on so many things. With an aura of sunshine, always trying to positive.

- None of Morpheus's friends thought it would work out between the two of you, knowing how he was.

- However, they failed to realize how much happiness your presence brought him. How you could always make him smile

- That while you wouldn't make him change his ways, despite the fact that you were as different as the moon and the sun, the two of you loved each other for who you were.

You came up to him one day in the palace, a bouquet of flower's in your hand. Handing it to him with a grin, he took them gently.

"What are these for, my love?" He asked, looking at the pretty plants quizzically. "Have I forgotten a special occasion?"

But you just shook your head, looking delightedly at your beautiful lover. "No, I just wanted to give you flowers."

He kept those flowers in his office since then, using his powers to make sure they wouldn't wilt.

- When you were gone visiting friends in other realms, Morpheus was grumpier that usual. And when he was gone, you were a little less bright than usual.

- But when you were with him in the Dreaming, he always enjoyed your company. Everyone throughout his realm always had happier dreams whenever you returned.

- He even didn't mind your habit of bringing things back with you, usually potted plants, or pretty objects, and even stray animals back to the Dreaming

- The pets was where Morpheus would attempt to draw the line, but he had an impossible time saying no to you

You arrived in the dreaming, a handful of baby ravens in your arms, speaking to them like you would for a small child.

"Dearest?" The exasperation was clear in Morpheus's voice. But also, you could tell he was having a hard time trying not to chuckle. "What do you have in your arms?"

"Baby ravens. Their mama was hit by a car." You tilted your arms to show them to him. "I figured Matthew could help with them, since he's a raven too."

"Matthew is a raven of the Dreaming. Those, are wild animals." Morpheus responded with a raised eyebrow. But at the disappointed look on your face, he smiled softly and continued. "But I'm sure there's a place for them somewhere in the Realm."

- The look on your face when he gave in was worth it. And he would admit, the birds were sort of endearing.

- Not nearly as endearing as he thought you were, however.

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