Married To Morpheus Headcanons

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- It took a while for Morpheus to trust your relationship enough to marry you. 

- He obviously loved you, there was never a doubt in your mind about that. But his former relationships hadn't ended well, and he didn't want to rush into things just for everything to get ruined. 

- But when you two finally got married, he knew he made the right choice in asking you. Knew that he loved you more than he had loved anyone before

- Ruling the Dreaming beside him, you were one of the few people he trusted. And one of the even fewer amount of people he would listen to advice from. 

- He trusted your judgement, knew you only wanted what was best for him and the dreaming. And you trusted his judgement as well. 

- You were generally on the same page about decisions. When you weren't, you would discuss it private, as neither of you wanted your problems to be a public spectacle. 

- There was never any petty words to anyone else about things you disagreed with. He had tried that once (Morpheus can be a bit petty sometimes), but you had shut it down immediately. After that, you both realized it was more helpful for your public image and private relationship to discuss things like proper adults. 

- Because of that, there weren't any cracks in your relationship, nothing people like Lucifer or Desire could manipulate. You loved and respected each other too much. 

- You would have dates around the Dreaming, with Morpheus creating and showing you all the beautiful parts of it. Picnics on lovely cliffsides, visiting the different residents of the Dreaming

- They all loved how relaxed Morpheus was around you

- And although he didn't really need sleep, he enjoyed cuddling in bed with you. The feeling of your warmth and beating heart against him was one of the most wonderful things he had ever experienced. 

- He loves you more than anything, willing to give you whatever you're like. 

- If you're human, he'll make you immortal so he can be with you forever. 

- Sometimes Morpheus would close off a bit, stop talking to you as much. He does that sometimes, but all he needs in a reminder that he trusted you enough to marry you, so he should be willing to be open. 

- He'll nod and kiss you softly, knowing you were right. 

- You both can always tell when something is wrong with each other, knowing his body language and expressions as well as you know your own. 

- Speaking of kisses, Morpheus's kisses are the best and you cannot convince me otherwise. Passionate and deep, but with a certain sweetness. One hand on your waist and the other cupping the side of your face, pulling you as close to him as he can. 

- He touches you and kisses like he can't believe that you're real and love him back. Terrified that you would leave him, always trying to be better for you. Gentle but strong, (and you know he could pick you up his he wanted to)

- You can always see the love in his eyes whenever he looks at you, the protectiveness whenever he worries about your safety. 

- He just wants you safe and happy. If something happens to you or if you're hurt in any way, it would be worse than if they personally hurt him. 

- He's the best husband you could ask for 

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