Being The One To Save Calliope Headcanons

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- You and Calliope hadn't exactly been friends before her capture, but you two had always been friendly

- Both powerful beings, you knew about each tower before you had ever met

- Finally meeting through Morpheus (you had both had a history with the Dream Lord). You were both a little cautious around each other

- But you thought she was kind... and lovely, so you never really had any bad opinions about her.

- So it was surprising to you at when she called for your help when she was imprisoned.

- Calliope hadn't known if she could trust Morpheus to come, but you didn't have any grudges against her, so she figured you might be more likely to help.

- And so you immediately went to find her, furious at the thought that someone would imprison a sweet being like her

- Your mind was filled with thoughts on how to punish this human writer for his crimes against the supernatural. Against all that was good in the world

- The muse was so happy to see you, immediately feeling safer in your presence. Relieved that she could depend on you

- The writer was immediately punished, toying with his mind and sanity until he finally released Calliope.

- You were not merciful. Not one of those kind beings, not forgiving or gentle. And he would face your wrath.

- When she was freed, she thanked you softly. Telling you about her plans for the future

- When she asked you to join her, you were surprised. But... you were also relieved that this wasn't the end of your relationship.

- You ended up following her all over the earth.

- When she and Morpheus finally spoke again, they managed to resolve a lot of their problems.

- Calliope's feelings for him had faded at that point, her interest focusing on you now. Just as your was on her.

- Morpheus was surprised to see you getting along so well. But he was happy for you.

- He knew you both. Knew you would be good together.

- You and Calliope were just glad that you two had a partner that you could depend on

- That could save the other from any possible future imprisonment.

The Sandman Oneshots & HeadcanonsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang