Morpheus's Son Falling In Love With The Corinthian Headcanons

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- You didn't let anyone know who your father was. He had never been around throughout your life, so you had begun living on earth and distancing yourself from his memory

- When you met the Corinthian, you knew exactly what he was. But you didn't tell him what you were

- You liked the nightmare man, despite his darker aspects, and you didn't want him to avoid you because of your father.

- And he liked you too. He recognized the feeling of being hated by your creator, of being alone.

- The Corinthian didn't know who you were, but he did know that you weren't a human. That you were powerful.

- He has as much respect as he has love for you.

- When he finally found out about who your father was, he was filled from betrayal and heartbreak. Worried that you had been using him and wanted him dead

- You tried to convince him to stay, pleading with him to listen to your explanation. But he quickly left.

- However, he would return. Too in love with you to not learn why you had lied to him.

- After you explained that you weren't associated with your father, and had kept it a secret because you loved The Corinthian, he calmed down a bit

- It took him a while, but he eventually forgave you. He didn't want to lose you just because of your father.

- But eventually, he did. When Morpheus ended his serial killer convention and left him as nothing but a skull

- You didn't even realize what was happening for a while, scared that The Corinthian had left you.

- But when you found out, you stormed into the Dreaming. Absolutely furious.

"Where is he? I know you have him here." You stormed into the Dreaming's throne room, catching Morpheus off guard. Not expecting his son to return in this way. "The Corinthian. Where is he?"

Realization hit Morpheus, having known about your relationship with his escaped nightmare. "(Y/N)..."

"Don't '(Y/N)' me. You don't get to do that. Now give my boyfriend back to me."

Your father sighed, getting off his throne. "I don't believe I can do that. The Corinthian is a danger if he's allowed to go free. Unless you can give me a guarantee that you can keeping him from killing humans, I c-"

"I can." You cut Morpheus off, feeling desperate. "I'll make sure he keeps out of trouble."

- Morpheus took a second to consider. But after a few moments, handed you the little skull. Knowing that you could use your powers to put him back together.

- "Perhaps you could return to visit." Morpheus called after you as you began to leave. "I've begun to realize that I could have been a better father." 

- You paused, knowing you should say no, but... "Maybe. I'll consider it." He did trust you with the Corinthian, after all.

- When The Corinthian was brought back, you explained everything to him. Trying to make him promise to leave the killing behind

- He agreed, partially out of fear that he would be destroyed again. And partially because he didn't want to give you up

- The Corinthian needed you more than his work, regardless of who your father was.

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