CHAPTER 64 : The day of disappearence Part 1.

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Hanseol P.O.V

3 days ago.

Morning, 10:30 am.

I know Jimin is concerned about his best friend but he could have used his word wisely. Specially when the time is really being tough on Taehyung.

Today they finally going to tell every dark secret they know of his so called girlfriend So-hee. I just hope after this everything sort out. His friends really care for him, hope so he listen to them this time and appreciate the efforts they put to save his ass from bad influence.

From past few months I been feeling very weak and distressed. My health been my biggest concerned factor ever since I was little. But I never felt this much of uneasy every before. I am feeling this weak from past few months. I also noticing that I am gaining weight even though my appitiete is poor then ever before. I guess this is because of all the incident happened recently in a little while. I must be exhausted with all the exertion. But still, I should see my doctor rather than handling my health by my own. My anixty is calm from while now, but regular check-up is must need.

I purposely decided to go to check with the doctor today. I want to give all the boys some personal time to resolve there conflict which is going from more than two years in their life. I don't want to disturb there emotional bonding moment with my presence. I informed Yoongi oppa that I'm not feeling well this morning so I will join them little late.

I am glad that Taehyung is doing well now. Lost of his father is a biggest shock in his life. I know very well how much he is attached to his father despite having difference between them. Dad was his biggest support in his professional as well as in personal life.
I wasn't aware that he is also suffering from anxiety attacked. Until we was together, like living together in the same house, he never showed that he is battling with anxiety. He did told me when he first experience the attack but I still don't know what is the reason that causes him this.

I am happy he is been opening about his feelings. I am happy he is making efforts. I am happy he chose me over his lover, FINALLY. I'm happy that he is again spending time with me like he used to do.


But I am still not sure to accept him back in my life. Yes! I always wanted this. I was waiting for this from very long time ago, for him to accept me as his wife, express his feelings for me. But I was so shaken up by all the things happen in our marriage. I am having doubts.
I haven't shares this thoughts with anyone yet. Not even with Rose, my best friend. Cause everyone was desparatly wanting us to be together. Specially after dad's death this pressure is been increased. I also been feeling somewhere that Taehyung aslo want to give our marriage another chance dispite signing those divorce papers.

Should I also give him another chance or should I stick with divorce?

I entered in the basement parking area of hospital. I can't find any empty spot. Looks like today is busy day for the hospital. After romaing from one lane to another for 10 minutes I finally found an empty spot at the end corner near elevators.

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