CHAPTER 48 : Unexpected friendship.

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I took a deep breath. I have to fix this. I don't want her to back off from our plan of pretending that we are still together. I went to them and both of them burst into laughter. Are they making fun of me?

"Hey, I was looking for you." I swoop into there conversation.
"Hey buddy. You won't believe Hanseol is damn funny." He put his hand on my shoulder and said.
"I know that! She always make fun of me." I play along and pretend of being a good friend. Hanseol look suspicious at me. Offcourse she will. "What you guys talking about?" I asked.
"About our Paris trip." HanSeol interupt Seonho was saying. I clinch my jaw. Offcourse they will be talking about the precious time they spend together. But atleast I discovered that Seonho didn't tell her anything. But then why she giving me death glare earlier?
"Oh." I look at other direction and whole architecture department look busy as always. I place my hand on Seonho's shoulder, "Looks like you are too busy. We are also getting late. We see you later."

"Shall we get going." He smirk at me. Fucker.  He getting on my nervous every fucking time.
"You guys are going somewhere? Like together?" HanSeol said with one eyebrow up.
"Yes! Taehyung going to show me few sites(land)." He said.
"Intresting." She give me more suspicious expression. I know it's hard to digest, even it's hard for me to be friend with this basterd.
"Let's get going, we have so many lands to analyse. It will take lots of time." I grab his hand and drag him out. One more second there, HanSeol will definitely caught our lies.  Cause I heard them while we leaving towards elevator.

"Are you also found it strange or it's only me that they seems awfully closed?" Rose state.
"Same thoughts." HanSeol said with suspicious sound.


Afternoon, 2:55 pm.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked as soon as I seat in his car.
"What?" He try to play dumb.
"Don't act navie Seonho. You like playing  cruel card with me. Threating me on name of my wife." I said as I put my seatbelt on.
"Cruel and me. Oh please." He chuckled and start the engine, "I'm not like you. Who date another girl while being married with someone else. And want both of them at the same time."
"Shut the fuck up. You have nothing to do with my personal life."
"I don't care what the fuck you do with your life. I just care about HanSeol. She is my good friend and I don't want to see her hurt." He scold as we get on the road.
"Friend or lover?" I fold my hand over my chest.
"You and your disgusting misunderstanding. Don't think every man is like you Mr. Taehyung. She chose you all the fucking time. I don't want her to regret her choice. Because it will hurt her. And as I said, I don't wanna see her hurt." He let out a loud breath.
"Chose? What you talking about?" Im confused. He look at me like I was looking at him few minutes ago when he pretending to be dumb. But I'm not pretending to be dumb. I seriously have no clue what the fuck he was talking about. I mean HanSeol is a girl whose priority is her parents reputation comes first above all. And if she handover me the divorce papers so easily. Isn't it because she love him more than anything?

"Don't act like a fool. You know very well what I'm talking about. You just want to listen it from me to make me feel mesrable. Don't you?" He said as he swiftly turn to right. "Fine, hear me clearly. She chose you over me. I don't know what she saw in you. I mean I'm much more matured than you are. I am better in very aspects compare to you. But she chose you over me, over anyone all the fucking time. And you don't even had a courtesy to appreciate her efforts her choice. Such a jerk you are. Thankfully your jerk behaviour doesn't reciprocate on your profession." He let out a heavy breath once he done.


So, what she said that day was true.

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