CHAPTER 50 : Scandal.

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TaeHan headquarters.

HanSeol cabin.

Morning, 11:15 am.

"Guys, come on concentrate. We have five projects to complete within this week. I know it's deficult. But if we do this together we can make it happened." Seonho was seating on a desk as he boost up the team members so that they can work more effectively.

" Seonho was seating on a desk as he boost up the team members so that they can work more effectively

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"You're good at motivating." HanSeol whisper to him making him blush. Seonho shyly turn his head and start drawing the rough lines over a white board again. Even the slightest compliment from her make her cheeks blush. Hanseol can't help but smile at Seonho suddenly shy behaviour.

As Seonho agree to work with TaeHan to help HanSeol to share her work load because she is not allowed to take too much stress. They have 10 prime project to design and 5 of them should be completed in this week. This buildings are for the purpose of high profile people like politicians, business peoples idol and other celebrities. Because cost of this price is going to be wholesome. Some of are house, duplex, multistorey building which will be designe to provide them all the facilities at once. This house is going to content gym, private swimming pools, mini cinema theatres, backyard with amazing landscaping and outdoor kitchen, some houses is also has their own lift as it going to be multi storey building.
This the first day of work, first day of there working together. And Seonho already started the work with full of energy. They were discussing the architecture, floor plan, landscaping, various architectural techniques etc. It's a bit of busy day since from the morning.

Seonho is the number one architecture of South Korea. And him working with TaeHan group give ach to other competitor companies. They keep sending people to check on the progress of their work. Which is why Taehyung has increase the security of all the TaeHan industries, specially headquarters. So any people without the proper identity can't even step in the campus area. Mawoo, one of the competitor. TaeHan and Mawoo are currently on same position and if TaeHan keep progressing like this it will beat Mawoo soon and become the topest company in every aspects. This also the reason why Mawoo company become the biggest rival and so desperate to take down TaeHan company by hook or by crook.

Seonho was explaining the architecture to his team member, meanwhile Hansel was going through some files. Seonho has kept his phone on desk which made her to notice there is a message flash on Seonho's screen.

Taehyung (TaeHan) : We couldn't make it to dinner yesterday. How about tonight?

"Okay today I do have to confront him about thier situation. It's just too weird." Hanseol think to herself and patiently wait for the meeting to be over.

Discussing about the project for another few hours the team wrap-up the session for today just before the lunch time. All the team members leave Hanseol's cabin one by one. Just the two of them left at the end. Seonho was arranging the documents before he leave. And Hanseol was at her desk formatting legal contract of one of their clients.

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