Chapter 18: The hectic day.

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Afternoon, 2:30 pm.

I got 5 misscalled and 3 unread messages from Seonho.

Seonho: I'm sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?

Seonho: Are we going out today? There are lot more places left to explore.

Seonho: Don't give silent treatment. I know you reading my messages.

Ugh! What the fuck am I supposed to do now. Did he genuinely like me? I really start doubting on every single person who show interest in me. Like it's love or mere and attraction, because clearly I don't want one more friends with benefits stuff. I already have one, which is temporarily or I don't know permanently stoped. I want something really, a meaningful relationships. How am I supposed to address him now. It's become so awkward. It's not like, I don't like the kiss, I do but isn't it wrong or dosent?

I decided to stay in my room. I even order breakfast as well as lunch to my room only. I don't have energy to face Taehyung nor Seonho. Truth is I actually don't know how to face both. I can't look at my husband with a guit that I kiss someone else. I can't either face Seonho who is so considerate towards me but I have no answer to his proposal.

I heard few knock on the door which really made me panick. What if it's Seonho? No no. I'm not ready to face him yet. I went to the door because the knock is getting harder every passing second.

"Who is it?" I ask. If it's Seonho. I'm not gonna open the door.
"It's Sohee. Please open the door." She said with the sob. Is she crying?

I open the door and saw her crying. She immediately hug me. Okay, that's unexpected. I rub her back to clam her down. I bring her in, into my room and make her sit on the couch and offer her a glass of water.

"Sohee. Will you please tell me what happen. Is everything alright?" She stay silent. "Did Tae do anything to you?" I ask again. Her sob suddenly stop and she look up at me.
"H-he didn't come from last night."
"WHAT? Can you tell me in detail, please."
"We went to cruise last night. Then he drop me to the hotel and went out. He said he will be back in few hours but he is not return yet."
"Did you try to call?"
"Offcourse, what you think I'm an idiot. He is not picking up my call nor replying to my texts."

Oh my god! I start walking back and forth thinking of what to do. I try calling him multiple time but his phone is either unreachable or diverted to his voice mail. I don't know anyone here. Where he is lost in unknown city? I took a deep breath and think of one last option, who knows the city better then anyone. I pick up my phone and dial a number.

"Thank god you finally call. I was getting paranoid thoughts."
"Seon-Seonho." I Sutter with sobs.
"Hey it's everything alright?" I heard concern from other side.
"It's Tae- Taehyung."
"Wait. I'm coming to your room. Just relax okay." He said and cut the call.

Few minutes later he is on my doorstep. I open the door and instantly hug him. It's panicking me that Tae is all out there in unknown city and we can't even contact him. He is adult but still, how irresponsible adult he is.
Seonho calm me down and the he saw So-hee in my room.
"What she doing here?"
"I guess, I guess Taehyung is missing."
"What you mean by missing?" Later I explain him the exact story that Sohee tell me. "Okay you both, don't get panic. Everything will be alright. He is an adult."
"What we should do?" I ask
"I guess we first go to the police. For help."
"Sound's good. Sohee you stay in hotel, in case Taehyung come back. Inform us." She nod in agreement

We pick up our coats and head towards the near by police station. In 15 minutes we are there. Seonho explain all the situation to the police. Police note down Teahyung's phone number and credit card details so they can track him and find his location. They tell us to head back to hotel, incase of his return and wait for there call.  We did as they told.

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