CHAPTER 59 : Grief.

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Night, 2 o'clock.

"Hello? city hospital. Ya, we have a patient with us who possibly try to do suicide while drowning himself in a Han river. We rescued him on time but he is still unconscious." A rescue doctor said through his ambulance phone to a hospital closest to the accident sight.
"The hospital is free, you can proceed to bring the patient here." The nurce inform about the vacancy.
"Okay, thank you. We will be there in 10 minutes."
"Okay sir."


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"Dr. Boo, we just got a call from emergency ambulance, informing that they where bringing a patient. But sir....."
"What is it?" He asked. His head hang low. He had taken headache medicine for a few time in just an hour.
"They said its possibly a suicide case. The patient tried to dorwn himself."
"Our hospital didn't have any emergency cases today. We can attend the patient."
"Yes sir, I did inform the ambulance that they can bring the patient here. But the problem is sir, there is no emergency doctor available right at the moment rather than you."
"It's okay, I will attend."
"But sir you look tired."
"Leave and inform me when the ambulance arrive." His voice sound in pain.

Everyone still waiting for Taehyung to return to the hospital. HanSeol can't stop crying. Mr. Kim is her father only. She has no courage to broke this heart shattering news either to her parents and her mother-in-law. So Namjoon and Jin decided to make calls. They informed about this hug lost to HanSeol parents aswell as to her mother-in-law and Rose. They all insist to came to the hospital but Jin told and convince them it's not a good to came here late at night. HanSeol father ensure he will take care of the funeral process.

"Why Taehyung hasn't come yet?" Hobi asked as he was sit on a chair
"He shouldn't have to run like this at the first place." Jungkook said as he was standing with his hand fold over his chest.
"Come on guys! It's his dad. He need time to process his greatest lost." Jimin concern who is sitting next to Hanseol.
"Understandably. But it's been more than one hour he didn't return yet." Yoongi worried who is sitting other side of Hanseol.
"Haven't you notice his bloody red eyes. I fear he gonna throw punch at anyone any time." Jungkook shiver.
"Even though they have not been that close or had any affectionate relationship. It's still his dad. He never go against Mr. Kim's word. I am worried about him." Namjoon concern.
"I am more scared. He is not in his right state of mind. I'm afraid he may not do something wrong." Jin concern as he walk back and forth.
"Like?" Hobi asked.
"I don't know-"

Suddenly a stretcherbed been slide inside the hospital transparent doors with two man dragging it. And everyone attention shifted towards the emergency case.

"His Vital starts dropping the moment we reach here. His oxygen level is decreasing even his blood pressure is decreasing. He may need external oxygen for breathing." The rescue doctor from the ambulance infrom the nurce.
"Okay, please help to take him this way." A nurse said and the two men and few nurce move towards the emergency ward. They where covering most of the stretcherbed. Not possible to see who is the person was on stretcherbed. But HanSeol definitely had a slight glance with her blurry teary eyes.

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