Chapter 20: Honeymoon sex.

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Morning, 9:43 pm.

I woke up to the fine morning as the sun rays hit my face. The sudden precenc of light make me squint my eyes.
I look outside the window there is a group of birds, linedup on the balcony grill, cherping to each other.
I find other side of bed space is empty. I was expecting Seonho would be there. Like hugging me just like he did last night. But I guess I'm the stupid one who expect so much things in a little while. If it's from Taehyung or Seonho. Come on, how can I expect he would be next to me when I woke, when I literally left him blue balls last night.
I was about to sit straight in bed when I heard a raspy morning voice.

"Morning love."
"Good morning." I ruffle my hairs and look to the side. Seonho is standing by the window, sipping his coffee.

"Did you sleep well?""Absolutely

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"Did you sleep well?"
"Absolutely. Did you?"
He place his cup on the near by table and climb up on the bed,"Offcourse I did." He press a peck on my forehead, making me smile instantly. "Listen, I couldn't roam you around today." My face frown to that.
"Why? Are you upset about me or something." I babble making random guess.
"No no. Why would I be upset with you?" He place few strands of my hair behind my ears, "It's just, Today I'm going to meet my eomma." My face turn into o as he continue, "It was pre-decided. Otherwise I will be spending my day with you."
"It's okay. I can understand. Please don't change your plan to meet your mom just for me. We can spend time back in Korea also." I smile and rub his arm.
"Back in Korea, means?"
"Today is last day of us in Paris. We going back to Seoul with tomorrow's early morning flight. Didn't I tell you this?" And he shock his head.
"It's change everything then. I should spend this day with you."
"Please no. I mean I love to spend time with you. But you already given your word to your mom. She must be desperately wating to meet you, spend a day with you."
"It's not just a day."
"It's about a week."
"Oh. If that's the case, then let's meet back in Seoul." I cheer him up, even though I don't like to be apart way from him. He sighed and get up from the bed, standing near the edged of the bed as he pull his hair in fustration. I crawl on my knees to him and back huged him. "Why you getting upset? We can meet again after 8 days." He turn around and hug me by my waist.
"Are you going to miss me?"
"Not at all."I teas him and he frown his lips, looking like a sulking baby. I pinch his nose and giggle "offcourse I'm going to miss you." He smile and peck my forehead.
"I have to get ready."
"Sure. I should go back to my room."
"Wait for a while. I will walk you to your room on my way." I nod and he went into the bathroom "By the way. What you going to do today?"
"Uhmmm... I don't know. I might go for shopping to pass the time."
"I don't have any other choice."


Morning, 11:30 am.

He drop me to my room, still upset that he will not be able to spend this last day of me in Paris. But meeting his mom is more important then spend this day with me. I can't snatch that moment from him and his mother. It will make me feel guilty.
I sighed and lied down on bed, not knowing what to do for the day. Till today I have a company, who know where to go and what to do. I can't spend time with Tae as he is with his so called loving girlfriend. Thinking for the stuff that I can do, I decided to pack my luggages avoiding to hustle at last moment. I take the long warm bath and got dressed. I almost packed everything. Almost because I can't fine where is the bag of gifts is, that I buyed for everyone earlier, which is also be packed in my suitcase. I looked everywhere and finally found it on the couch.

Marriage is not for Everybody || ft. Kim Taehyung [KTH] {Completed}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя