Chapter 22 : Let's give it a chance.

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Morning, 10 am.

I stretched my body like a lazy cat. Feeling happy then even before. I analysis the surrounding and found myself in Tae's bedroom, which just increased the butterflies in my belly. But soon my face frown when I feel my side of the bed empty. I looked at the wall clock which showing past my office time. Shit! Fuck! I'm late.

I hurriedly went to the bathroom after picking up some formal cloth. As it's already past office timing, Taehyung must be in his office at this moment. But why didn't he waked my up? Why I missed him? I guess I just got adopted to see his face daily.

Shoving files, binder and phone in my bag messy-ly. I focused on most important task before going to office that was hidding hickeys. I applied extra foundation around my exposed body where the marks are showing.


Morning,  11:45 am.

"Rose, come into my office and update me with my schedule. I'm already running late for the day." I placed the message on the intercom and next the door open with Rose with her binder and a coffee cup in her hand.

"First, here is your coffee. Should I order breakfast too." She asked and put few files in front of me to check.
"That would be really great, Thank you."

She went on the cell phone to place the order and after a minute she turn back to me.

"What's with the smiling....sorry blushing face. Did I miss something?" She curiously asked.
"Did you forget it's office timeing. Your my secretary and not a friend at this hours'." I smirk making her roll her eyes.
"Fine." She open her binder and start reciting my schedule "For today, you have two back to back meeting with Mr. Min regarding TaeHan new combo deals. Next you have fi-"
"Did Taehyung also going to be there?" I asked, cutting her mid-sentence but still focusing on the files.
"I guess so, offcourse. Orignal idea of combo deals was presented by him only. So ya I guess so."
"Okay contine."
"After that you have field vist to check Mr. Kim Seonho's property, where the architecture going to build."

That name suddenly stop me from my doing work.
"Isn't that I supposed to do with Seonho himself?"
"I see, you addressing him with his name, rather then as Mr. Kim that you always do." She smirk.
"Are you done teasing. Field visit is done with owner, that's the rule."
"I'm aware of that. I already contacted Mr. Kim regarding this via email, But he said he don't want to postpone the visit, and he trust you even if you pay a visit to his property alone."
"Is there anything in my schedule rather then the meeting?" She shock her head. "Okay then, you may leave."

"Should I inform civil engineers to be ready for the visit?" She aske before leaving.
"No. I will let you know the reschedule day after  talking with Seonho." She nod and left.


Back to back meeting which is held before and after lunch time, Taehyung was missing. Which is really odd. On behalf of him, his executive manager were presenting the demo presentation. But why? Where is he? When I ask dad about this, he just simply told me that he got some important work in Kim decor headquarter, so he left urgently. But why I feel everything about Tae is odd today.

After office hours, before going back to home I decided to visit Taehyung. I was not prepared to face him after the sexual intercourse between us but I don't want him to avoid either. It really creeping me out, and giving me paranoid thoughts like what if it's just a fling, like one night stand?

I went to his floor, where his cabin is and knock few times on the wooden door. But got no response. Waiting for few second, I knocked again and suddenly I heard his secretary Mr. Soobin voice.

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