CHAPTER 44 : New phase.

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Disappointment on my another failed attempt to meet my to be divorced wife. I decided to go back to office. I have no clue how to find her. Even if I call Rose there is a higher possibility that she won't even pickup my call. And I don't want to talk to Han over the phone.

"Fuck! Why the fuck any single think doesn't goes as I wanted." I throw the bouquet in the trash and drive myself back to my stressed life.


Afternoon, 1:30 pm.

As I said "stressed life". The moment I entered in confrence room for my today's first meeting, I saw all the board member along with my dad and Mr. Min rather then our clients. Fuck!! Mr. Min might have told my dad about my morning intrud to his place to meet Hanseol.

"Come son, sit

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"Come son, sit. All the board member wants to discuss about the ongoing situation about our company. That's why I shifted your meeting with a client after lunch. Hope its okay with you." Dad said. Okay wait, he is talking politely. Is that means Mr. Min didn't tell him anything? I hesitatedly nod and sit on the head chair to proceed with the meeting.

"What is the purpose of this sudden meeting? Is everything okay?" I asked. The room feel nervous and cold to me. Because on one side is my dad is sitting and on the other side is Mr. Min. Only fear I'm having right now is, at any moment I could get slaped on my both cheeks by both of them.

"We heard about your wife." One of the member said and it took my attention to him as I feel some different string in my heart. She is still my wife. "I hope she is okay now. Don't worry this news is only between the people present here right now." He ansure. Then back to back question was bumbard on me "Is she okay?"......"How is she doing now?"....."Oh god! This happened too sudden, doesn't it?"......"How all you are doing?

I put my head down. How the fuck I know. I haven't seen her. No one is allowing me to meet her not even HanSeol. I don't know about my own wife's health condition. What the fuck should I answer to all this old stress giving people. I put my hand down on my laps and clutch my fist to control my emotions.

"Please, I request you to go ease on Taehyung. This is a bit dificult phase of our life's. As you all know, more than a partner we our a family. If a member of a family got hurt it affect everyone. We our coping with it." Dad said on my behalf.
"And HanSeol, she is better now. She even got discharge and recovering." Mr. Min informed with a staright face.
"That's good to hear. Cause health come always first." First board member said.
"So, we are bit worring about the work from architecture department. Mrs. Kim means Kim HanSeol she is been off due to her health issues. And we totally understand that and we all are sympathies with her. But as board members we also have to look after the work. As you know Mr. Kim Taehyung, Work never stop." Most rude board member who's gut I hated the most smirked and said. This basterd! Sympathy my foot. He continue, "We are way back in the work of architect department. I don't know how you going to compensate all the losses?"

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