Chapter 1 : Wedding and the Dark secret.

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Morning, 8 am.

Bright sunny rays come out from my windows and hit my face, waking me up instantly. I stretch my arms above my head to let out the laziness as a slow moan left my mouth along with it. I rub my eyes and got fresh up. I made myself an extra strong coffee to get rid of the thoughts which occupying my head from past few month.

Hello I'm Min Han-Seol and today is my wedding day. Strange right, but true. My marriage is fixed by my parents 1 month ago and today is finally the D-day. The person I been marring to is no other than Kim Taehyung, a CEO of well famous Kim's Décor industries. I meet him only two to three times only since the day our marriage been fixed. I didn't know him that well but he seems like a sweet person. Hope I get along with him smoothly after marriage.

I went to my work desk to submit my few left last project mails that I been working on. I over worked myself from past few week to complete all my ongoing project before I get married, since I want to give some time to build my relationship with my soon to be husband. After successfully sending all the drafts to my client I call my secretary Rose. But before I could make a call, I got a call from herself only. I picked up and heard anger voice from the other end;


'Why you working on your weeding day. Didn't I tell you to focused on yourself and leave the work to me.' She scold me. She is the best secretary that anyone could ever had. She is more like a friend to me. She is working for me since I join my father's company. I work as a lead architect in his firm. Our family owns a top Interior design company in South Korea.

'Calm down honey. I just complete all my pending work and I am about to call you to inform you that don't take any new project for at least month maybe.'

'Oh ho! So, you need a full month to spend time with your husband. So lovely. ' 'Shut up.' I said as we both chuckle. 'Fine ma'am. But from now onwards just focused on your beautiful day.'

'Yep. Bye.' We hang up as I heard my mom calling for me to go to the wedding venue to get ready.


Same day, Evening 6:15 pm.

I put the last piece of my wedding dress, veil on top of my head as my long wavy hair braze against my back and sigh deeply as I realize in less than an hour I will going to become Mrs. Kim Han-Seol. The anxiety is rising in me with every passing seconds but I guess every girl feel this way on their weeding day. Specially when it is a arrange marriage. It's not like I am some heartbroken person who don't believe in love anymore that's why I'm doing arrange marriage and shit. No, it's because I didn't really get time to date anyone. I was too busy in studies and after joining the company its next to impossible. Initially our company only deals with interior designing but my interest was more in architecture then interior. Because of me dad decided to add extra department to the company which will handle architecture project and soon with the hard work I become the head of the departmemt.

I heard knock on the door which bring me back to reality from my thoughts and stood up from my chair just to face my Dad with a numb eyes and a proud and happy smile crave on his face. His smile is genuine as it showing wrinkles around the corner of his eyes and top on the forehead.

'Oh sweetie. You looking so beautiful today.' he said as he embrace me into the warm hug.

'I don't look beautiful other days.' I wined as I hug him back.

'You born beautiful Sweetie.' He said and we both chuckle. 'I hope you will be a good daughter to them as you are for us. I wish this marriage brings happiness to both the families.' He give the prep talk. I don't know why this marriage is more look like collaboration of two companies rather than the marriage to me. Off course Kim industry is well known for their beautiful production of custom-made furniture and home decor items. Definitely both the Min and Kim company will be in benefits if they combine, as their work complement each other. Maybe I am just over looking at this thing I should just focused on to get with the day. 'Ready Sweetie.' He said and I nod nervously.

Marriage is not for Everybody || ft. Kim Taehyung [KTH] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now