CHAPTER 37 : Shattered.

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Morning, 9:30 am.

I am hella sacred to go and talk with Taehyung. Yesterday he didn't even call me or either text me. Well, I didn't did either. All the boys and rose already left to perform there allotted task that we discussed last night. I was not willing to came but Joon forcefully drop me to my residence.

I weakly knock on the door few times and a maid opened the door and bow to me.
"Where is Taehyung?" I asked.
"He is upstairs. Getting ready for the office ma'am."
"Oh okay."
"Should I call him down?"
"No no. Huh.. are you done with your work?"
"Almost ma'am. I was about to leave."
"Okay then."

She left the house and I sit quietly on the couch, waiting for Taehyung to came down in the living room. This waiting is all fill with nervousness. I keep fiddling on the couch. My hand and legs where sweating and tangling with each other. Soon, Taehyung came down in his well pressed three piece suit with two files in his hand. The cold and unreadable expression on his face making me more scared of after math.

"I was about to came to meet you. Good, that you already here." He said.
"Are you wa-waiting for me?" I asked. My voice is on low octave every since this morning.
"Since from yesterday." He said, making me to look into his eyes. He is so caring. Whatever I'm overthinking yesterday and assume unnecessary things are all false then?
"I-I think we need to talk."
"Really? About what?" He raised his one eyebrow with a little bit of anger in his tone.
"Huh? About us."

He went silent but he stay still in his cold aura. Without saying anything he went to his house office and bring his briefcase. He put one of the file, which is in his hand into his bag and extended another file towards me. I was confused on what's going on? What's this file about and everything? I just hold the file in my hand and he took the sit on one of the single couch afar from me.

"Taehy-" before I could say anything he started to speak.
"I don't think there is anything to talk about "us" " he said then he point his finger towards the file which he give it to me. "You better read this file carefully and sign it. I already did mine. I want to receive it soon, Don't take to long to sign those paper."
"What's this paper about?" I ask. I might have an idea what it's about, but I still sticking on that tiny hope that it's must not.

"Our marriage contract that you sign earlier." With that he took the longest paused. And with every passing second I was holding my breath and praying that it is not what I'm thinking. This is the deadliest silence of my life ever. He look away avoiding eye contact with me he look outside the window. The weather is pretty dark outside because of the unexpected rain in the early morning and it's still raining outside. He sigh deeply and continue, "There is a attached Divorce paper which I already sing. Take a good look and sing it."

I can't believe he said that, that also with such ease

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I can't believe he said that, that also with such ease. My heart skips a beat, my breath hatch away. I couldn't stand as my legs feel weak. I crumble down on the couch as I gripping on the file too tightly. I wanted to cry, my heart is feeling so heavy. But there is no tears coming out. I feel numb. My whole body went numb. I was gulping continually.

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