CHAPTER 49 : Media Outrage.

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When HanSeol left Taehyung house, she still used to worry about him. So she started contacting Mrs. Joe there house maid, to ask about Taehyung's wellbeing at time to time. Hanseol still care about him. She thought once she left Taehyung will get back to his mess up life. Life of bachelor. There is nothing wrong in bachelor's life, it's just little messy. Hanseol use to ask Mrs. Joe like; if he eating properly or not? Did he consume alcohol alot? Is he only eating outside food or homemade food? Is his health is okay? All sort of questions. In similar way Hanseol found about his daily consumption of alcohol through there maid. So she informed his dad and is that way, Taehyung's dad locked his house bar and took the key with him.

"Ma'am you won't believe what I saw just now. Mr. Kim is with another men and they both where was in just "that"." Mrs. Joe whisper in the phone.
"What? What exactly Mrs. Joe, you talking about? And what is "that" exactly?"
"Ma'am only "that"."
"See, tell me properly. You know it that you wasting my time. If this is not turn out to be an important call I am gonna cut you paycheck." Hanseol threaten. As she is so busy with her work.
"UNDERWEAR. They both where only in there underwear." She told her finally. Feeling embarrassed.
"WHAT? what you talking about Mrs. Joe."

"It's true ma'am. I saw them in the hall. Mr. Kim sir and that other man. Both are in there underwear. Both came from the same bedroom. Mr Kim's sir bedroom. Your and Mr. Kim's sir bedroom ma'am. Standing in middle of the hall. They look quite comfortable with eachother. But when they noticed me they started to panic like they did something wrong. The house look little messy then usual. I think they both were drinking late at night. Ma'am I'm telling you something is wrong. Since you left sir become more werider. Please come back home ma'am" The maid told her what she saw but with little bit of spices.
"Mrs. Joe I kept you there because you know the household very well. Just take care of the house and Taehyung's food intact. No need to make useless assumption on his personal life. By the way, that other man, who you saw with Taehyung. Who is he?" Hanseol asked.
"I don't remember his name correctly but it is the person you and sir went to party last night. At that famous person house."
"Is he Kim Seonho?" Hanseol hesitatedly asked. She already guess what could be the person is. But it's unbelievable for her to accept it.

"Yes ma'am. I guess that's his name."
"Mrs. Joe, they where friends. You don't have to worry. Seonho must be tired so Taehyung told him to stay the night." Han said but more convincing to herself then to her. "Mrs. Joe I have work to do. But keep updating me if you see something different, okay?" Hanseol said and the maid agreed from the other end and they both end the call.


Hanseol P.O.V

Morning, 11:15 am.

TaeHan headquarter,
Hanseol's cabin.

Okay! What exactly did I heard? Is it true? But how could it be? Are they became friends? And what the fuck is being in underwear? Ugh!!!!...........

"Ma'am you okay?" Roses asked me as she saw me pulling my hair in fustration.
"I don't think so. My brain is on over drive." I said as I stare at my phone. I still can't believe about the information Mrs. Joe just share.
"Why so? Everything is under control. And your work load is been divided as Mr. Seonho is joining you form today. You and Taehyung sir gaining popularity because your couple appearance which is benefiting out company. Most importantly your health is under control. I see no problem." Rose summend. I look at her with death expression.
"Seonho working with me is not a problem?" I sarcastically asked.
"See, if you keep your personal and professional life separate. This will be a great opportunity for you to learn personally from him."
"Just stop you.... Your my friend, why can't you take my side?"
"I'm just point at the pro's in your missreable life." She lowly laugh.
"Thank you for telling me my life is miserable." I rolled my eyes.
"Sorry sorry."
"Whatever. Isn't it is a time for Seonho to be here? Did you contact him?"
"I contact his secretary but she also not able to reach to him. But she anssur me that he will be here anytime soon."

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