Chapter Twenty-Seven🌻

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, the twenty-seventh chapter of the story begins, please do enjoy it.
Good luck!

Taliha's POV:Days later, it was a weekend

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Taliha's POV:
Days later, it was a weekend. I was at home as always, the usual lazy me. I woke for another day once again as I opened my eyes slowly, no alarm woke me up today. You may be surprised why no alarm woke me today like always, I also got used to the usual blaring of the alarm though. I finally sat up slowly after a few turns from side to side, I wasn't ready to stand up yet. It is morning and the sun is already out. I prayed fajr earlier and had to sleep again.

"And in the hours of the early dawn (fajr), they are found praying for Allah's forgiveness."


One thing I have chosen in life to do is to prove myself, to make people know me for who I am. I am authentic and also practical but I may not be able to control my emotions sometimes. The problem is that I don't want to be seen, I want to prove myself to the world but....without been seen. I am a solitary type and I like my life that way, I feel safer in it. I love challenges and I value morals and understanding, I like people who talk and interact with me instead of me interacting with them, sometimes I don't understand myself and my feelings. I like sharing ideals and experiences and I am also a good listener. Well.....what else can I say about myself? I do love my religion and I think that people should take their love for their religions seriously. And lastly, knowledge. Learning is a big part of me, I love learning. Sometimes I may be sensed to be insensitive but I truly care about people, that might often be seen as a childish manner....but I am cool with it.

I yawned loudly with my hands stretched into the air, then I turned sideways before using my fingers to touch the bedside table to find my glasses. I eventually found them and wore the glasses after cleaning the glass surfaces. Geez it's so hard having to see things clearly without straining the eyes. Then I thought about checking the time, I was curious to find out how long I slept because the sun had risen up before I woke up. I looked up unto the wall clock with my laptop desk beneath it, then I gaped after seeing the time.

What?! 9:21am?

I started putting my hand onto my cap, before I asked myself. What is wrong with me, why did I sleep for so long?

The next minute, I jumped out of my bed and ran into the bathroom in a rush, I was slightly remorseful even though i wasn't too late to pray my Duha prayer. The Duha prayer is a Sunnah prayer, an optional prayer suggested in the Quran, I really don't like missing the all. Do you know that it is very significant to pray at the appointed time for solats, it is stated in [Q50:39].

"Glory the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun and setting..."

With that verse, I remembered an Hadith that explains it. The prophet SAW said that we would be able to see our Lord with no difficulty just like the moon in full sight. So if we could avoid missing a prayer by sleep or business, both fajr (prayer before sunrise) and asri (prayer before sunset), then it's possible to see him. Prophet ismail said that we should offer those prayers and never miss them. [Sahih Al-Bukhari, 1/554 (O.P.529)]

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