Chapter Eight 🌻

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, the Eighth chapter of the story begins, please do enjoy it.
Good luck!

Taliha's POV:One day, during the weekend, I was able to stay home and have my Me Time again

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Taliha's POV:
One day, during the weekend, I was able to stay home and have my Me Time again. I could pray properly at home without struggling to pray or offering them when I had to go to school. I was able to pray Al-duha, popularly known as the Forenoon prayer(after sunrise). Since I am at home all day, I decided to pray it. It's not a compulsory solat but it is rewarding. Also it was performed by the prophet (SAW) doing his lifetime and it's a surah in the Quran. I didn't want to offer prayers which Allah never ordained; for your deeds to be rewarding, it has to be from the Sunnah or Hadith.

Narrated by Abu Hurairah: my friend (the prophet) advised me to observe three things; fast three days a month, pray two rak'ah of Duha prayer and pray Witr before sleeping.

Salih Al-Bukhari, 3/1981 (O.P. 202)

The prophet (SAW) once prayed Duha lightly with perfect prostrations before leaving for Makkah, I saw it somewhere while reading about the prophet's acts when he was alive. That's what made me offer them, even the Quran had mentioned about it once...if you ever noticed.

'By Forenoon (after sunrise), by night when it darkens, your Lord has neither forsaken you nor hates you (oh Muhammad)....'

Reading the full surah, you will get to understand that Muhammad offering the Duha prayer was a way to appreciate his Lord, He has been there for him and He wants him to be grateful. It is the second surah revealed to him by angel jibril in cave Hira on the period called Ramadan. Now you know the history of that term 'Ramadan'. Ramadan is a blessed month and signifies the time when the Quran was revealed on earth unto the prophet. And that's why the Quran is usually read often during that period.

Later, I checked my post i recently did on my blog. It says, 'How can we differentiate between an invocation and innovation?'

I had to ask that question for a reason because we Muslims commit bi'da without even knowing that we are doing it, the worst part of it is we think we are doing it for Allah's sake, not knowing that you have earned His Wrath. It's terrible. Bi'dah is like an addition to the acts and doings of a Muslim which is not stated in the Quran or the Hadith or Sunnah. We can't just offer any prayer or do anything, It has to be according to the laws of Islam in order to have Allah's blessings. It's just like making hijab optional for Muslim women which is wrong, may Allah forgive us our sins.

Then I checked social media in my laptop for comments from my readers on my recent novel. I was used to having a lot of texts and notifications so I just checked the important ones.

'Oh wow, I love your novel so much, thank you for writing it.'

One reader commented and I smiled a little, nice comment reader.

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