Chapter Twenty-one🌻

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, the 21th chapter of the story begins, please do enjoy it.
Good luck!

Taliha's POV:Days later, here I am in my room typing the keyboard of my laptop, I was slurping a coffee as well, a coffee cup in one hand

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Taliha's POV:
Days later, here I am in my room typing the keyboard of my laptop, I was slurping a coffee as well, a coffee cup in one hand. It's night time actually, but a writer can't sleep while others are sleeping. I still have to pray later in the night, so no sleep for me. I have been staring at the screen for hours now and I have been removing my glasses a lot of times. I am hoping not to dose off and spill the liquid on my laptop, my eyes are already fluttering and I might not see the words on the screen very clearly...even with the glasses on.

"Topo---graphyyyy" I yawned with a hand over my mouth, this is just so tiring. I need to sleep but I can't!

I continued the typing with my eyes opening wide like I am drunk, I needed to see the words clearly. I reached out my hand for my coffee cup, so that I could quench my thirst once more. As I carried it for another sip, it was light weighted. I shaked the cup slightly and I didn't feel any liquid inside.

That's when the coffee gets finished....

I sighed disappointed, the sweet coffee that kept me awake and relieved...was now finished. What will I do now?

I dropped the laptop on the bed with a grimace, I give up. Typing words for hours and hours, geez. The most surprising thing is, I don't feel like sleeping even though my body wants to rest. My mum can't even tell me to go to bed early because she is aware of my late sleeping at night, especially if I am busy with a task or assignment. The only words I said whenever she complained about my poor sleeping habit are: I am not tired mum, don't worry.

She will just scan me through. My body all weak and my eyes almost shutting close due to extreme fatigue, but no...I am fine. Sometimes, she wonder if I am human because human do need rest, but not me.

The only reasons why I still force myself to sleep are, to avoid insomnia and Allah. Insomnia could drive one crazy because you don't get to rest or sleep all day and night, it's really terrible. Would you ever want to see yourself having to keep staring all day and night like a torchlight, its weird. It could make you become a freak if possible, because you will lose your sanity. As I watched videos everyday, I was able to figure out what insomniac people face. Also Allah created night and day, I have to appreciate the fact that He created the night for mankind to rest by sleeping. If I don't, it means I am ungrateful for His Bounty.

'It's out of His mercy that He created for you night and day that ye may rest therein and that ye may seek for His Grace in order to be grateful.'

I stood up walking sluggishly like a half-dead person, I was super tired but still I wasn't ready to sleep yet. I stepped into the bathroom with one word, bismillahi. Then I walked inside with a slight whisper, Alluhumma inni Audhu bika minal khubthi Wal khabaa'ith.

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