Chapter Two🌻

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, the Second chapter of the story begins, please do enjoy it.
Good luck!

Taliha's POV:
As I roused myself from my slumber, I felt my body stiff and unrefreshed. My thoughts were sluggish, and my limbs felt heavy. My head was fuzzy, as if my brain had been submerged in treacle. I knew it was time to get up, but my body refused to cooperate.

I groped for my glasses, finally focusing my gaze upon the world around me. I beheld the familiar sight of my bedroom, and I began to feel slightly more alert. My mother would often joke that I was too intelligent for my own good, which was what caused my eyesight to deteriorate.

As a child, I was fascinated by the world around me, and I spent hours reading books and staring at computer screens.

Perhaps my myopia was a small price to pay for the joy of learning and discovering new things. And besides, my glasses gave me a sense of self - like a pair of spectacles framing my personality.

The sun shone through the window, transforming the dust motes into a dazzling display. I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe. Nature had conjured up a magical moment, and I was grateful to witness it.

A profound sigh escaped my lips, a whispered expression of gratitude. Alhamdulillah...

I had risen earlier, as I always did, to fulfill my duty of prayer. The call to Fajr had beckoned me, and I could not ignore its summons. Within those sacred moments of devotion, my heart found solace, and my soul found peace. And as the prayers concluded, my lips whispered fervent Duas, carrying my hopes and dreams to the heavens above.

I silently recite the dua for waking up;
'Alhamdulilah ahyaana ba'da ma amaatana was ilaihin nushur, aafani fi jasadi wa radda alayya roohi, wa adhina li bidhikrihi.'

Praise be to Allah for yet another glorious day!

Ah, my room, a sanctuary of style and serenity.

No ordinary picture frames grace these walls, oh no!

I've adorned them with captivating designs that enhance the ambiance. And oh, the string lights! They dance like celestial stars, casting a gentle glow that soothes my weary soul. But let's not go overboard with the brightness, as excessive light can be a mood dampener.

Ah, and there it is: my prized possession, a magnificent glass window that stands beside my bed. It serves as a portal to my sacred corner, where I engage in my daily solat, particularly the Qiyamul Layl, the night prayers.

Every night, like clockwork, I wake up from my sleep around 2 am to fulfill this spiritual obligation.

'Those who believe in our signs are the ones who fall in prostration when the signs are recited. They celebrate the praises of their Lord and are never puffed up with pride. They forsake their beds to call upon their Lord in fear and hope, and they spend in charity from the sustenance We have bestowed on them.'

In one corner, nestled beside the gleaming glass window, sat a desk devoted to my personal laptop, a loyal companion in my never-ending internet explorations.

And there, right beside it, lay a gamepad, ready to transport me to virtual realms of excitement and adventure.

On one side of the room, a magnificent wardrobe and an elegant dressing table stood proudly next to my bed, while on the other side, a bookshelf adorned the wall, revealing a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration.

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