Chapter Seventeen🌻

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, the seventeenth chapter of the story begins, please do enjoy it.
Good luck!

Taliha's POV:I woke up for another day yet again, another day and reason to be grateful to our dear Lord, Allah SWT

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Taliha's POV:
I woke up for another day yet again, another day and reason to be grateful to our dear Lord, Allah SWT. He owns the whole things of this world, even our lives and we will surely go back to Him at the appointed time.

Sometimes, I wonder why doesn't God punish us for our sins even when we know that we are doing wrong, truly I do regret them and that's why I always feel remorseful after doing such. Indeed, we have a Merciful God, because He knows all that we do, but still forgives us again and again.

It still doesn't mean that we should do the sins...again.

I was reading the Quran after my Dua for the early morning, then I was reminded of these things, may Allah have mercy on us even when we go wrong....

It is clear that in [Q40:3];
'Allah is one who forgiveth sin, accepteth repentance but also severe in punishment and is All-Bountiful. There is no God but He, to Him is the Final goal.'

Allah loves us enough to forgive us our sins as long as we repent from such acts and turn to Him but He is also strict in punishment, so fear Him and obey His rules.

We should appreciate every little thing we have achieved and what we have in our possessions, even our lives...because He will surely question us for all our deeds and what we have.

Let me tell you how Allah is the Al-Hakeem and Al-Aleem. He talked about the beginning of creations in some verses of the Quran, that's when you will realize that even the Quran has some terms in the field of science, subhanallah!

'It is He who created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from a leech-like clot, then does He get you out into the light as a child, then let's you grow and reach your age of full strength, then lets you become old. Although some of you have died before reaching old age or have an appointed time before death, in order that you may understand. It is He who gives life to the dead and decides upon an affair, He says BE and it is.'

Also take a look at [Q16:49-51]
'What!, When we are reduced to bones and dust, should we be raised up to a new creation? One asked. Think of any matter that is the hardest to be raised up, yet ye shall be raised up!, The other replied. When will this day be? The first man asked and the other replied, Maybe it is quite soon.'

This verse talks about two people who discussed about the day of judgement, no one knows the day it will come, not even me...only Allah knows when. On that day, everyone will be raised up to be called for account on the day of judgement, anything...even if you are the most heaviest thing on earth.

Here is another truth about the Day of Judgement, it is a day certain to happen when we all die. A day of account, half of the Quran talks about it, in fact most of the content in the each surah are about it. The christians also know about this, we commonly know it as the rapture. It is stated in the Revelation of the bible, the Injil.

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