Chapter Twenty-Four🌻

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful, the twenty-fourth chapter of the story begins, please do enjoy it.
Good luck!

Taliha's POV:My alarm goes off in my dark room after I used my finger to turn it off

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Taliha's POV:
My alarm goes off in my dark room after I used my finger to turn it off. Then I sat up lazily, I really had a bad night. I had to help my mum arrange some documents in her room, she said she needed them for her work. I was yawning until I got to bed last night.

As i remembered everything last night, I was yawning with my hands stretched out. Eventually, I switched on the light bulb on the bedside table and I reached out to my glasses. "Alhamduliiiilah..." I said breathlessly with my mouth opened wide, my hand wasn't touching the glasses properly so it fell down.

I gasped. Oh no!

Sincerely, I hate it when the glasses fall down onto the ground. One fact is that my bed is a little high from the ground, so I might fall down if i try to reach out to the glasses. And this isn't the first time that it has happened to me. Four years ago, I woke up to pick out my glasses but it fell from my bed. That time, I was living at my grandma's house. The beds in their house were really nice and fancy, the four-poster kinds and they were extremely high. I was about 170cm tall and the poster bed was 5cm high from the ground, I didn't know why I chose the bed in the first place. I guess I was engrossed with the fact that it was super comfortable, maybe because...the foam was irresistible.

Since the glasses fell from the bed, I had to reach my hand out to the ground. I tried opening my eyes wide to see the room but no, it felt that everything was covered with an opaque veil, i rubbed my eyes continuously like someone who was blinded...well I was half blinded. Eventually, I stretched my hand out to the ground with my body glued to the bed, my other hand was clutching the duvet to hold a firm grasp. My hand wasn't able to touch the ground properly, so I tried to move closer to the edge of the bed so that my hand could reach the ground. I searched the nearest space I could find but I didn't feel any object in my hand, so I groaned feeling frustrated. I decided to reach out a little more, my body was already moving out of the bed but I was totally absent minded. As I reached out a little more trying to move my fingers further, then I slipped and fell onto the ground.

"Oww!" I cried softly while rubbing my head, I had a wolly-like hat on my head to cover my hair. I also wore a red sleeved sweater and white trousers. Eventually, my mum helped me in getting the glasses. She walked into the room while holding a tray of orange juice in a glass, then she saw me on the ground.

She gasped instantly holding a confused look, then she dropped the tray on the drawer near the door. She walked to me before crouching down and held my chin with a worried look "What happened Taliha, why are you on the ground?"

I didn't reply her because I didn't know what to say yet, then she carried me back onto the bed before she tried to remove any dirt on my clothes. That time, I was struggling with communication so i could only speak a few words, but mum was trying her best to keep me company and happy.

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